wordpress version control

How to Control WordPress Plugin Version?

You just wanted to install a previous version of your plugin or know its current version but not know the process. Having a simplified plugin version control management can be crucial for your website. 

Plugin version control management refers to a process of overseeing and controlling the versions of plugins installed on a WordPress site. This involves keeping track of plugin updates, ensuring compatibility with your WordPress version, and maintaining a secure website environment.

We know a few tricks to help you quickly manage this stuff on your website WordPress version control! 

Let’s get started-

3 Effortless Ways to Manage a Plugin Version in WordPress

All these tricks are pretty simple to apply, and you don’t need any programming knowledge. 

1. View the Latest Plugin Version in WordPress 

Knowing a plugin’s latest version will help you to see if it’s compatible with WordPress. This way, you can always be aware of a faulty plugin! Moreover, it ensures your website utilizes the latest plugin features and functionalities. 

Developers frequently update plugins to introduce new features, improve performance, and enhance the user experience. By staying updated, you can take advantage of these improvements. There are many ways you can check out the current plugin version; the first is to click on the plugin’s View Details section. 

WordPress version control

A window will pop up, giving the installed plugin’s full details. Click on the Changelog option to see the latest version and all the information about previous changes-

WordPress version control

If you navigate to Remote Management of Eazy Plugin Manager, click on any plugin in the dashboard. 

You will see the Version button; hit on it.

Select which version you want to update.

Switch your version

We have selected the latest version. 

Choose Latest version

Now, you will get a successful message like this. Press Done.

WordPress version control done

2. Freeze plugin version

By freezing updates, you ensure your site remains stable and operational, allowing for planned updates during off-peak hours to minimize impact. You may also have admins on your site and want to ensure your plugins remain the same while others work there. 

How about you temporarily freeze that plugin from taking any new updates? Awesome right? Eazy Plugin Manager’s Freeze feature completely freezes a plugin’s updates and other custom actions. 

Go to your Installed plugin section; you will see the Freeze Plugin options in the top left corner of the page-

3. Revert to previous plugin versions  

Reverting previous plugin versions in WordPress is crucial for maintaining your website’s functionality and stability. Imagine you update a plugin and encounter a conflict that disrupts your site’s operation. 

Reaching a previous version quickly can immediately restore functionality, minimizing downtime and preserving the user experience while you seek a more permanent solution.

With this feature, you are getting full control over your plugin versions. After installing and activating Eazy Plugin Manager, you will see a Version Management option in your plugins. 

Clicking on that will give a complete list of all the previous versions that the plugin has,

Select your desired old version and click the Install Version trunk button, which is simple. 

How to See the Latest Version of WordPress?

The most crucial part of controlling the WordPress plugin version will be knowing the latest version of WordPress. You can quickly check it from the Update section-

How to See the Latest Version of WordPress


Can the WordPress plugin be customized?

Indeed, customizing WordPress plugins is feasible and allows for enhancing your website’s functionality to meet your unique requirements. This customization can range from minor tweaks using available hooks and filters to extensive overhauls by modifying the plugin’s code directly.

However, adopting best practices such as creating a child plugin or utilizing custom hooks to ensure your modifications are preserved during plugin updates is crucial. This approach lets you benefit from WordPress’s flexibility without compromising your site’s integrity and future-proofing.

Is it safe for websites to update WordPress plugins?

Updating WordPress plugins is safe and essential for maintaining your website’s security, performance, and compatibility. Developers frequently release updates to patch security vulnerabilities, add new features, and improve existing functionalities. 

Nevertheless, proceeding cautiously by backing up your website before applying updates is wise. This preparatory step ensures that in the rare event, an update causes issues, you can swiftly restore your site to its previous state, minimizing downtime and maintaining your site’s integrity.

How many WordPress plugins are too many plugins?

The question of how many WordPress plugins are “too many” does not have a one-size-fits-all answer, as it heavily depends on the specific circumstances of your website. Factors such as the quality of the plugins, the hosting environment, and the complexity of your site’s needs play significant roles. While there’s no strict upper limit, it’s vital to focus on the quality and necessity of each plugin rather than the quantity. 

Excess plugins can lead to performance degradation, security vulnerabilities, and potential conflicts. Prioritize selecting well-coded, reputable plugins directly contribute to your site’s objectives.

How do I find out what version of WordPress plugins I have?

Determining the version of your WordPress plugins is straightforward. Log into your WordPress dashboard, and click the “Plugins” menu. Here, you’ll see a list of all installed plugins and detailed information, including each plugin’s name, description, and version number. 

This version number is crucial for troubleshooting, ensuring compatibility with your WordPress version, and verifying that all plugins are up to date. Regularly checking plugin versions can help you maintain a secure and efficient website.

What is a plugin update?

A plugin update refers to the release of a new version of a WordPress plugin designed to enhance its functionality, security, or compatibility with more recent versions of WordPress. Updates are vital for addressing security vulnerabilities, fixing bugs, and adding new features that improve your website’s overall performance and user experience. 

Regularly updating your plugins ensures that you’re leveraging the latest advancements in plugin technology, safeguarding your site against potential threats, and maintaining optimal performance and compatibility standards.

Control Your WordPress Plugin Version with Ease 

And that’s it! That’s all you need to manage your WordPress plugin version. By embracing a strategic approach toward plugin version management, your WordPress site remains secure, functional, and up-to-date.

Have a wonderful day!

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