how to permanently turn off safesearch

How to Permanently Turn off SafeSearch? Disable SafeSearch on Google, Bing, and Yahoo! 

You can simply turn off safe search from the SRP of any search engine. But, why does the SafeSearch option exist in the first place? Well, while you surf the internet, you might come across explicit content that can lead you to awkward situations. 

It’s a necessary feature that prevents users or filtering out these contents to provide a safer searching environment for you and especially, children. 

However, turning it off can help you get relevant search results and give you access to unlimited unfiltered information. 

In this guide, we will tell you how to permanently turn off SafeSearch in Google and other popular search engines. 

Let’s get started! 

Method 1: Turn off SafeSearch on Google 

Step 1: Manually Navigate the SafeSearch Option on the SRP Page 

Search in Google and navigate to the SafeSearch option. It should be located in the top right corner of the SRP page. 

How to Permanently Turn off SafeSearch

Step 2: Select “Off” 

This choice disables all filtering capabilities of Google search engine and explicit AI-based algorithms. 

(Optional) Step 3: Select a different option 

How to Permanently Turn off SafeSearch

You can select other options too, like 

  • Filter explicit media: Let you filter explicit media of any sort. After toggling this option, you will never have to worry about explicit content again. 
  • Blur explicit image: After a search all nude, graphic, violence, and sexually explicit images will be blurred. 

Method 2: Turn off SafeSearch in Bing

Step 1: Navigate SafeSearch in Bing SRP 

For Bing, click on the 3 lines in the right corner of the page and navigate to the “SafeSearch” option. 

How to Permanently Turn off SafeSearch for Bing

Step 2: Toggle “Off” 

Just like Google, you can turn off safe search for Bing too. 

How to Permanently Turn off SafeSearch

(Optional) Step 3: Toggle other options too 

How to Permanently Turn off SafeSearch

You can also turn off 2 additional options, 

  • Strict: You can filter out explicit text, images, and videos from search results. 
  • Moderate: Filter out explicit images and videos, but not texts. 

Method 3: Turn off SafeSearch in Yahoo

Step 1: Find the dotted square in Yahoo 

In the top right corner of the Yahoo SRP, you will see a dotted square that has all the search settings of this search engine. After that, click on settings. 

How to Permanently Turn off SafeSearch for Yahoo

Step 2: Turn “Off” the SafeSearch option 

This option will not filter anytype of explicit contents for your search results. 

(Optional) Step 3: Switch to different options 

Just like Google and Bing, you will see the same 2 other options to select from. They are, 

  • Strict: Filter out anytype of adult and pornographic material from the internet for your searches.
  • Moderate: Filter out only pornographic images and videos. 

Is SafeSearch an Important Feature for Any Search Engine? 

SafeSearch is an important feature, which undoubtedly creates a secure and appropriate environment for everyone. Especially for children, SafeSearch can protect their precious childhood from ruination! We have to think about some other reasons too. 

i. SafeSearch can Increase your Privacy and Safety

After you turn SafeSearch on, you are creating a barrier that will prevent all explicit content and NSFW material. By blocking these media, you can maintain a high privacy profile for your internet presence, and also be safe from any type of threats these contents might accommodate. Knowledge and self-perseverance are the keys! 

ii. You will see better search results

SafeSearch prevents all unnecessary search results that will ruin your day, hence search engines can provide you with more accurate search results easily. You will likely receive more information that is suited to your queries. 

iii. With SafeSearch, you can enhance focus and productivity 

Now, you can focus more on your original work and get less distracted by other unnecessary search results, which boosts your productivity especially while researching for something or gathering information online. 

iv. SafeSearch can benefit other user in a shared working environment 

Imagine you have a wife or your kids often like to use your laptop for entertainment purposes. It will be a disaster if your kid accidentally sees any type of explicit or adult content. The same thing might happen if you have a group of people working on the same PC. 

By turning on SafeSearch, you are not only creating a safer environment for yourself but also making the working environment more suitable for other users. 


Why is my SafeSearch permanently on in any search engine?

Well, if your SafeSearch is permanently on because then your parents might have locked it through administrator or parental control settings for the entire house. This is often done to ensure all internet activity remains family-friendly and free from explicit content, particularly on devices or networks accessed by children.

Who is in control of SafeSearch?

You can SafeSearch directly controlled by a search engine at home, but there are exceptions for locations and browser preferences like schools, offices or other work environments. So, network administrators or parents can apply and lock these settings to maintain a certain level of internet safety and appropriateness.

Can SafeSearch notify parents?

Nope, SafeSearch is an individual search engine feature that doesn’t have any functionalities to notify parents. It’s more like a search filtering application than a notification sender. 

Which browsers are the safest in 2024?

Here is a list of browsers that are safest in 2024, 

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge and 
  • Safari

Can incognito mode stop parental controls?

Just like SafeSearch, the incognito mood is also a browser functionality that prevents browsers from saving your search history, cookies, and site data. Though, incognito mode doesn’t monitor tools that are already placed in a home network environment and doesn’t interfire this additional systems monitoring and restricting activity. 

Learn to Control SafeSearch Perfectly for any Situation 

It’s not like you always need to turn on SafeSearch, but for certain instances you will need to turn it on. But for other times and anytype of personal reasons, you might often need to turn off safe search according to your needs. 

Also, after you turn off SafeSearch in a certain search engine, it will remain turned off as long as you don’t uninstall your browser. Which truly informs you on how to permanently turn off SafeSearch. 

Have a good day! 

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