how to add a search bar in wordpress

How to Add A Search Bar in WordPress? Explaining 3 Easiest Ways

Adding a search bar can be helpful if you are trying to make your visitors’ navigation more efficient. WordPress also allows you to modify your search bar differently to make it more perfect. A search bar can also be an essential element for your WooCommerce website. 

Approximately 90% of consumers in the United States consider an effective search feature to be crucial. 

There are many ways to have a customizable search bar for your website. Below, we will mention 3 simple search techniques that require some easy steps and no additional coding knowledge. 

Let’s get started! 

Why Is a Search Bar Crucial for Your Site? 

As the owner of an e-commerce website, having a search bar can be a game-changer in enhancing your visitors’ navigation experience. 

i. Search bar can Improve user experience

A search bar significantly improves the user experience on your site. For example, a visitor looking for a specific brand of skincare products amidst a wide range can scroll through only some of your offerings. By simply typing ‘organic face cream’ into the search bar, they’re immediately directed to the relevant products, making their shopping journey smoother and more enjoyable.

ii. It can give Quick access to products

Your visitors can quickly access products without navigating through multiple pages. Let’s say a customer is in a hurry to buy a ‘birthday gift for a 5-year-old.’ They are instantly presented with appropriate gift options by entering this term in the search bar. This quick access saves time and makes the shopping experience more efficient.

iii. Your website has more functionality

Including a search bar enhances your website’s functionality. For instance, a customer searching for ‘wireless earbuds’ might find autocomplete suggestions like ‘wireless earbuds with noise cancellation,’ exposing them to products they hadn’t considered but might find appealing. This feature demonstrates your site’s advanced functionality and user-focused design.

iv. Significantly Reduces bounce rate

A search bar can effectively reduce the bounce rate. Imagine a visitor looking for ‘vegan leather bags.’ If they can’t find it easily, they might leave. However, a search bar offering immediate results keeps them engaged, reducing the likelihood of them leaving your site unsatisfied.

v. Boosts sales and conversion

A search bar can boost sales and conversions by making product finding easier. For example, if a user searches for ‘summer dresses’ and finds a wide selection immediately, they’re more likely to purchase, compared to a frustrating, time-consuming search process.

vi. Search bars can gather valuable data

The search bar is an excellent tool for gathering customer data. When users frequently search for ‘sustainable clothing,’ you gain insights into current trends, helping you tailor your stock and marketing strategies more effectively to match customer interests.

3 Methods to Add Perfect Search Bars to Your Website 

Method 1: Adding Search Bars Using Widgets 

This is one of the simplest and most effective ways to add a search bar. 

Step 1: Add search widget 

Go to Appearance, and click on widgets. 

Scroll a bit and add the Search widget. Most themes will have a built-in search widget in their inventory. You can select where to place the search bar by choosing the placeholder options. Press on the Add Widget button to proceed further. 

Step 2: Modify your search bar  

Now, you can adjust your search bar according to your needs. After the adjustments, click Save. We added a search widget in the Home Header Widget section; it’s best to put the search bar on top pages so visitors can instantly access it. You can also edit the title of the search bar according to your needs. 

Let’s check out the frontend look-

Method 2: Add a search bar using a plugin

Using a plugin is always the best option because it eliminates any coding-related work and gives you all the essential search bar-related functionalities at once. For this tutorial, we will be using the FiboSearch plugin. 

Step 1: Download and active FiboSearch   

Fibosearch is an excellent plugin that adds search bars to WooCommerce websites. Download and activate the plugin. 

Step 2: Customize your search bar

You can customize your search bar from the plugin settings. 

Select what title you want to name your search bar. 

Step 3: Customize your search bar through widget options 

Now, like “Method 1”, you can do additional customization through plugin widget options. 

However, for Fibosearch, the plugin widgets will give you some extra functionalities like, the layout changer. You can change the layout of your search bar by changing the icon or text option. 

After completing the initial setup, hit the Save button. 

This is how the search bar will appear on your WordPress frontend-

Method 3: Add a search bar using the Gutenberg blog editor  

You can add a search bar in individual pages with this method. 

Step 1: Create a page   

First, you must create and edit a page through the Guttenberg editor. To create a page, navigate to Pages options and click Add New Pages

Step 2: Add and edit your “Search” block 

To add a search bar, use the keyword “search” to find the block. 

You can add different modifications to your search bar. 

Now, publish your search bar. This is how your search bar would look like in the frontend (we named the page “Search Bar” for better understanding)-


Where should a search bar be placed on a website?

You should ideally position your search bar in an obvious and accessible area, such as the website’s header, top of the sidebar, or near the navigation menu. 

This strategic placement ensures that it’s the first element a user encounters and enhances your website’s functionality and user-friendliness. A well-placed search bar acts as a guide, helping users navigate through your content more efficiently.

What is a website search bar?

A website search bar is a critical interface element that allows users to enter keywords or phrases to find specific information within a website. It is a quick-access tool that simplifies the process of locating content, making the user’s journey through your site more efficient and satisfying. 

This feature is essential in content-rich websites or e-commerce platforms where finding specific information quickly is critical to a positive user experience.

How to open the search bar in the page source?

To view the search bar in a website’s page source, right-click on the webpage and select ‘View Page Source’ or use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+U for Windows, Cmd+Option+U for Mac). 

Once in the source view, use ‘Ctrl + F’ (or ‘Cmd + F’ on Mac) to open a find bar, then type “search” to locate the HTML code for the search bar. This can reveal insights into its structure, styling, and functionality, which is especially useful if you’re looking to customize or troubleshoot the search bar on your website.

What is a search bar called for a website?

On a website, a search bar is commonly referred to as a “search box,” “search field,” or “search query box.” It’s a text field where users input their search terms or queries. The terminology might vary slightly based on context and design, but the function remains the same: to offer a simple, direct way for users to query the website’s content.

How to add a Search Bar in HTML?

You typically use the ‘Ctrl + F’ (or ‘Cmd + F’ on Mac) keyboard shortcut to search an HTML document. This action opens a find bar in your browser or code editor, allowing you to type in and locate specific words, code tags, or attributes within the HTML document. 

This method is beneficial for web developers and content managers when editing or reviewing large HTML files, as it quickly navigates to relevant sections or identifies instances of specific elements.

Finishing Notes 

As you conclude your journey in enhancing your e-commerce website, remember the significance of learning ‘how to add a search bar in WordPress’. This essential feature enriches the user experience and is a pivotal tool in facilitating effortless navigation and efficient product discovery for your visitors. 

By integrating this functionality, you’re taking a crucial step towards making your site more user-friendly and intuitive, laying a foundation for increased customer satisfaction and potential business growth. 

Best wishes to you! 

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