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Elementor Scroll to Anchor Not Working on Mobile: 5 Tested Hacks to Active Your Elementor

Last night, I was updating some of the contents on my website. Suddenly the Elementor scroll to anchor not working on mobile. It terrified me because scroll to anchor runs the site.

Quickly, I sought help from a tech geek and fixed the issue. What I learned from this trouble is that it can happen anytime. To help all the affected website owners, I have gathered all the possible solutions I know to fix your scroll to anchor issue. Let’s read to learn some quick hacks! 

What is an Anchor in Elementor?

What is an Anchor in Elementor?

The anchor menu is also known as the jump menu. This anchor ID will navigate you to the preferred location you have enlisted. 

The anchor menu helps your audience visit the next page and click and search for anything. On the whole, this is the functioning operator of a WordPress site.

Elementor anchor is a widget that allows you to create a link within a page or post that can be used to jump to a specific section on the same page or to a different page on your site.

To create an anchor in Elementor, you can add an “Anchor” widget to your page or post and give it a unique name or ID. Once you’ve added the anchor widget, you can then link to it using a text link, button, or menu item.

For example, if you have a long page with several sections, you could create an anchor for each section and add a table of contents or menu at the top of the page that links to each section. This makes it easier for users to navigate your page and find the information they are looking for quickly.

Anchors can be a powerful tool for improving the user experience and navigation of your site, and they can also help to improve the SEO of your pages by making it easier for search engines to understand the structure and content of your site.

7 Benefits of Using Anchor on Your Site

An anchor could be of many uses. This linking makes the best use of browsing your website. The benefits are as the followings:

1. Improves user experience

Improves User Experience

Anchor links make browsing easier. Basically, it ensures a hassle-free journey for users to navigate your site and find the information they are looking for quickly. They can also help users to navigate lengthy articles or pages with lots of content.

2. Helps to return to the top of the content

If you are scrolling too far, anchor linking will help you navigate to the top. This is a time-saving application to keep you on track.

3. Aids in efficient browsing

Rather than mere scrolling, anchor links serve other purposes such as clicking, returning to the previous page, etc. It makes browsing efficient.

4. Quicker operation

You can quickly get an instant reaction from the command. Instead of typing commands, anchor linking helps to navigate faster.

5. Increased pageviews

By making it easier for users to find the information they are looking for, anchors can help to keep users on your site for longer periods of time, leading to increased pageviews.

6. Better SEO

Using anchors can help to improve the SEO of your site by making it easier for search engines to understand the structure and content of your pages. This can lead to higher rankings in search results and increased traffic to your site.

7. Accessibility

Anchors can also improve the accessibility of your site by allowing users with disabilities to navigate your site more easily.

9 Reasons Behind Elementor Scroll to Anchor Not Working on Mobile

It’s difficult to explain why the Elementor scroll to anchor is not working on mobile. But after a thorough analysis, we were able to figure out the following facts:

#1 JavaScript issues

One common reason why the scroll to anchor feature may not work on mobile is due to JavaScript issues. Some mobile devices may not support or may have restrictions on JavaScript, which can cause the anchor links not to work.

#2 Cache issues

Another reason could be related to cache issues. Cached data on the mobile device may interfere with the proper functioning of the scroll to anchor feature. Clearing the cache on the mobile device may solve the issue.

#3 Theme/Plugin conflict

A theme or plugin conflict could also be the cause of the scroll to anchor not working on mobile. A theme or plugin that is not compatible with Elementor could interfere with the proper functioning of the scroll to anchor feature.

#4 HTML structure

The HTML structure of the page or post could also cause the issue. If the HTML structure of the page or post is not properly configured, it could prevent the anchor links from working correctly.

#5 Elementor settings

It’s also possible that the issue is related to Elementor settings. Double-check that the anchor links are properly configured in Elementor and that the “Scroll to Anchor” feature is enabled.

#6 Lack of targets

If your page doesn’t have any target links such as Sobre-Agencia, Como-Fazer, Services, contacts, etc. This could be a potential fact limiting your scroll link to work.

#7 Extensions are causing trouble

If your android gadget is loaded with extensions, this might be another issue that is preventing the scroll option from functioning.

#8 Too many plugins

If your site has too many plugins, this can be another reason why your WordPress anchor has stopped responding. Extra plugins conflict with each other. This may freeze your site.

#9 Poor server health

If your Website server isn’t strong enough to handle plugins, this could be a potential factor that is troubling your links from acting.

5 Most Efficient Hacks to Fix Your Elementor Scroll to Anchor

elementor anchor

Though the reason why Elementor scroll to anchor has become dysfunctional, the following hacks will help you to fix your website. Here goes:

a) Creating Targets 

Your scroll link may not work if your page doesn’t contain any target links. For that reason, you should create target links in the first place and then highlight them in the following way:

Step 1: Set the Themes

First, set your theme and type the following codes in your sheet

.menu-item a{
     Color: black;


Step 2: Extra highlighting

For extra caution, if you want to be alert if your link Link is visible to your audience or not. To do that, add the following CSS

      color: red;

b) Use a Javascript Filter

For the Elementor anchor widget, you can use a javascript filter. To add the filter, run the following codes:

add_action( 'wp_footer', function() {
    if ( ! defined( 'ELEMENTOR_VERSION' ) ) {
        jQuery( function( $ ) {
            $( window ).on( 'elementor/frontend/init', function() {
                elementorFrontend.hooks.addFilter( 'frontend/handlers/menu_anchor/scroll_top_distance', function( scrollTop ) {
                    var isMobile = $(window).width() <= 760;
                    if (isMobile) {
                        return scrollTop - 1000;
                    } else {
                        return scrollTop;
                } );
            } );
        } );
} );

c) Adjust the Scrolling

Another way to fix this, adjust the offset scrolling when the menu is open in mobile mode.

d) Prevent the Menu from Closing 

Though this isn’t a feasible solution, all you can do is keep the menu bar drop-down and don’t close it. This will help you travel around if your scroll anchor gets sticky.

e) Choose the Default Theme

To fix the anchor icon, one thing you can do on your site. Choose the default WordPress theme. This works better.

Ways to Add an Anchor in Your Elementor Easily with a Plugin

A plugin is the easiest way to add an anchor link to your site. To add an anchor, follow the steps listed below:

Step 1: Install the Plugin.

First, install the plugin you want to use for adding links. Then, create a shortcode block where you want your anchor links to jump in. Run the following shortcodes:

[ps2id id='section-1'/]

Step 2: Insert the Anchor Link

Now, insert the anchor links in a new shortcode block. Place it whatever you want your link to be located. Run the following codes:

[ps2id url='#some-id']link text[/ps2id]

Then, replace ‘some-id’ with the anchor name you have created and link-text with the anchor you want. Now save the changes. You are Done.

5 Best Anchor and Scroll Plugins

Best Anchor Link Plugins for WordPress

There are thousands of plugins that make linking much more accessible. After a thorough analysis, we recommend the following 5 anchor plugins as the best.

Add Anchor Links

This is a trusted plugin that adds anchor links to the headings and selected content tags. Add Anchor Links are compatible with PHP(5.6) & PHP 7. This one disables CSS and determines the post type where the anchor links will be added.

Page Scroll to ID

If you like trying new trends, this one’s for you. One can add smooth scrolling animation using this Page Scroll to ID. With added functionality and advanced scrolling animation adjustment, this plugin helps insert link & Target ID Buttons in the post visual editor. On top of that, this plugin is free to use.

Easy Smooth Scroll Links

To avoid any complications, users often look for simple-looking plugins. Easy Smooth Scroll Links are one of them. With more than 30 animation effects, the user can modify the scroll value, an offset value, exclude specific anchors from scrolling, etc. This plugin supports shortcodes to use on any Page Builder.

Ultimate Blocks

We suggest this plugin in terms of ease to use and advanced functionality. With 18+ blocks, Ultimate Blocks offer scrolling adjustment. You can split the table of contents using this plugin. On top of that, this plugin will let you romanize your anchor links. It’s a famous Gutenberg plugin for bloggers and marketers

Anchor Blocks

This easy-to-use plugin offers simplicity. The novice user can easily install and add links to the text. However, it doesn’t provide fancy scrolling animation. Anchor Blocks are one of the straightforward plugins dedicated to Gutenberg blog editors.


How Do You Add a Link to an Anchor?

You can add a link to an anchor by following the steps listed below:
Step 1: Select the text you want to be hyperlinked. Then select the editor 
Step 2: Now, navigate your cursor on the link you want to hyperlink. Then, give your anchor a name in the name field and select OK.

Is HREF Required for an Anchor?

It’s not necessary to use a href. It depends on the platform you prefer. In HTML, you can use an anchor without using href. This is called a placeholder hyperlink.’

How Do Anchors Work HTML?

Anchor tags are tags that link you to a page down. This is a unique link that will be attached to the selected texts. With these, you will be able to create a unique URL with anchor links.

What is the Difference Between Anchor Link and Tag Link?

Anchor links address other pages you have attached the ID with a particular text. On the other hand, tag links define external resources which might not be homogeneous to the pages.

What are Dynamic Tags Elementor?

Dynamic tags are a great asset if you think about customized data. Like Elementor Pro, this will let you add data based on pages and parameters. 

Wrapping Up: Elementor Scroll to Anchor Not Working on Mobile

A functioning WordPress site is the one every owner wishes for. If it doesn’t work correctly, this could disappoint your users. Elementor scroll to anchor not working on mobile is a common issue that every website owner goes through.

To make your life hassle-free, we have featured the most efficient hacks. We believe this information will help you to fix yours. Best of Luck!

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