wordpress plugin 301 redirect

WordPress Plugin 301 Redirect: 7 Best Redirect Plugins in 2023

The 301 redirect is a perfect solution for getting old website links. If you migrate your website or modify the URL, your old website links become loose ends that don’t redirect any visitors; they will see an error message. 

By understanding the basics of WordPress 301 redirect solution, you can quickly fix the loose ends and perfect your site’s SEO. 

In this article, we sharing- 

You can utilize different techniques and use several redirect plugins to get your desired outcome! 

What is WordPress Plugin 301 Redirect used for?  

WordPress 301 is a status code that means a page may have moved from its previous location. 

If you type the URL on this page, you will be sent to the new place instead. This transmission will only happen if this page has a 301 redirected. It’s like, you are telling your visitor to proceed to the new location.

Pages without this source code redirect the visitor to a null message like this page isn’t working or unable to reach this page. 

3 Easy Ways to Redirect a WordPress Page

WordPress Plugin 301 Redirect

Plenty of methods exist to set redirects for your pages or website; here, we describe the 3 best techniques below. 

#1 Redirect Your Page Using .htaccess File

One of the best ways to redirect web pages is to make a .htaccess file on your computer using a notepad. Below, we describe the simplified version of creating a .htaccess file. 

.htaccess files are configuration files that customize your website’s behavior.

  • To create one, use a text editor to make a new file and save it as .htaccess.
  • To redirect, write code that tells the server to redirect traffic from one page to another.
  • Once you’ve written the code, save and upload the .htaccess file to your website’s root directory.
  • Be careful when editing .htaccess files, and always double-check your code before making changes.
  • With some practice, you can use .htaccess files to redirect your broken or old link to your new website. 

Moreover, you can use .htaccess files to redirect traffic from one URL to another, password-protect directories, and block specific IP addresses efficiently. 

#2 Use All-In-One SEO tool

The All-In-One SEO tool offers a faster approach to creating 301 redirects for links. To create one, log in to your WordPress website and navigate to the All-In-One SEO plugin section in your dashboard.

Click the “Redirects” tab and the “Add New Redirect” button. In the “Source URL” field, enter the old URL that you want to redirect from, and in the “Target URL” field, enter the new URL you want to redirect to.

After adding the proportions, select “301 Permanent Redirect” as the redirect type. This simple modification tells search engines that the old URL has permanently moved to the new URL. 

Finally, you can test the redirect by entering the old URL in a web browser and verifying that it redirects to the new URL. Setting up 301 redirects is crucial when changing the URLs of any pages on your website.

#3 Get Simple 301 Redirect Plugin

Here is a step-by-step guide to creating 301 redirects with a simple 301 redirect plugin, 

  • Install and activate the Simple 301 Redirect plugin on your WordPress account.
  • In the “Settings” tab on the WordPress dashboard and select “Simple 301 Redirects”.
  • Enter the old URL In the “Request” file section. 
  • In the “Destination” field, enter the new URL you want to redirect to.
  • Save the changes to create the redirect.

Finally, test the redirect by entering the old URL in a web browser and verifying that it redirects to the new URL.

Read More: 7 Best Bookmark Plugin for Your Website Visitors

7 Best WordPress Plugins for 301 Redirect

Along with 301 redirects and the All-in-one SEO tool, there are some other redirect plugins you can try, which offer more simplified solutions for creating 301 redirects. 

1. 301 Redirects (By WebFactory) 

WP 301 Redirect

The 301 Redirects is a powerful plugin that simplifies managing website redirects, and its user-friendly interface enables users to create and manage 301 redirects with ease.

The plugin can automatically create redirects when post or page URLs are changed, along with the option to redirect all 404 errors to a specific URL.

Overall, 301 Redirects is a valuable tool for website owners seeking to optimise their website’s user experience and streamline redirect management. 

Key Features

  • Support wildcards and regular expressions.
  • Option to redirect 404 errors to a specific URL.
  • Monitor 404 errors on the website.
  • Edit existing redirects. 
  • Import and export redirect in bulk.


301 Redirects – Easy Redirect Manager has both a free and pro version. The pro version comes in Single Site ($29/yr), Multi-Site ($99/yr), and Agency ($199/yr) plans with a 14-day money-back guarantee.

2. Redirection (By John Godley) 

301 Redirection Plguin

Another great redirect plugin is Redirection, which is a comprehensive redirect management solution for WordPress sites. It offers some advanced features like tracking 404 errors, monitoring website traffic, and much more. 

Redirection also enables users to create redirects based on various conditions, such as URL and referrer, and supports regular expressions for more complex redirect rules.

Overall, this redirect plugin allows website owners to optimize their website’s redirect management, improve the user experience, and even enhance website performance.

Key Features

  • Create redirects based on various conditions such as URL, referrer, cookies, and login status.
  • Import and export redirects in CSV format.
  • Built-in logs and statistics for tracking redirect activity.
  • Bulk redirects updates for streamlined management.
  • Compatibility with PHP 5.6 to 8.1. 


Redirection is a premium redirect management plugin for WordPress available for free with essential features and a Pro version priced at $59 per year with advanced features.

3. Safe Redirect Manager (By 10up) 

safe redirect manager

The 3rd plugin on our list is Safe Redirect Manager, which is a reliable and efficient redirect management plugin designed for WordPress. This plugin has an intuitive interface that allows you to create and manage redirects efficiently. 

Another great thing about Safe Redirect Manager is ensuring the safety of visitors by preventing malicious redirects. It always manages many types of redirect links based on custom redirection rules based on various conditions such as URL, referrer, and user agent.

Safe Redirect Manager is an excellent solution for website owners seeking to manage their redirects safely and more effectively.

Key Features 

  • Automatic creation of redirects for renamed slugs and permalinks
  • Compatibility with WordPress multisite installations. 
  • Ability to track and monitor redirection traffic
  • Option to enable/disable query string parameters during redirections.
  • Integration with WordPress roles and capabilities


Safe Redirect Manager is a free and open-source redirection plugin.

4. Rank Maths SEO (By Rank Math) 

Rank Maths SEO (By Rank Math) 

For its versatility, we had to add Rank Math SEO which can help you. Rank Math SEO’s comprehensible interface can help you create and manage redirects without any need for technical knowledge. 

The plugin offers several features that simplify creating redirects, including a redirect manager, automatic redirect suggestions, and a bulk redirect option. 

Additionally, Rank Math SEO provides detailed reports and analytics to help users monitor their redirects’ performance and make informed decisions about their website’s SEO.

Key Features 

  • Redirection log for tracking and analyzing redirect performance.
  • Import/export feature for easy transfer of redirects between sites.
  • Redirect types include 301, 302, 307, and 410 options.
  • Automatic redirect suggestions for fixing broken links and improving SEO.
  • Detailed redirect analytics and reports to track and optimize website traffic.


The Rank Math SEO plugin is available in both free and premium versions. The premium version starts at $59 per year for a single-site license. 

5. LoginWP (By LoginWP Team) 


LoginWP works as a WordPress security plugin that has a variety of 301 redirect features. With this plugin, you can redirect any URL to another URL, whether it’s within your website or outside of it. It also offers redirects based on user roles, devices, or countries.

Creating redirects is efficient because all you have to do is install and activate the plugin, navigate to the “Redirects” menu, and add the source and destination URLs. The plugin also provides detailed logs to help you monitor and manage your redirects.

In addition to 301 redirects, LoginWP offers some other security and login-related features like two-factor authentication, brute force protection, and login page customization.

Key Features 

  • Customizable login URL to prevent brute force attacks
  • Force logout feature to terminate sessions of logged-in users
  • Passwordless login options for convenience and improved security
  • User role-based login restrictions to restrict access to specific user roles
  • Easy-to-use dashboard for managing security settings


The paid version of LoginWP costs $49 per year for a single website licence and $99 per year for a five-website licence. 

6. Easy HTTPS Redirection (By Tips and Tricks HQ) 


The Easy HTTPS Redirection plugin is an excellent tool for creating WordPress 301 redirects and ensures your website visitors are securely directed to the HTTPS version of your website.

What amazes us is that once installed, the plugin automatically detects if your website uses an SSL certificate, and if not, it helps you install it. By redirecting all HTTP traffic to HTTPS you can improve your website’s security, search engine optimization, and user experience. 

Plus, with Easy HTTPS Redirection, you can rest assured that your visitors will always have a secure and seamless browsing experience on your site.

Key Features 

  • Automatic redirection of all HTTP traffic to HTTPS. 
  • Capable of excluding specific pages or URLs from redirection. 
  • Detailed logs of all redirection activity.
  • Automatic updates for maximum security and functionality.
  • The ability to redirect entire websites or specific pages and URLs. 


Along with a free version with limited features, it has a pro version costing $59 for a single site license, $89 for up to 5 site licenses, and $149 for up to 25 site licenses.

7. Simple 301 Redirects (By WPDeveloper) 

Simple 301 Redirect plugin

Another great 301 redirect plugin is the Simple 301 Redirect plugin which streamlines the process of creating and managing redirects. This intuitive tool allows website owners to easily redirect their visitors from one URL to another without requiring any coding knowledge.

Moreover, the plugin allows for bulk redirection, making it easy to manage multiple redirects simultaneously, and it incorporates tracking how many times every redirect has been used. 

Its features are designed to help website owners create and manage redirects effortlessly, ultimately improving the user experience for their visitors. 

Key Features 

  • Automatically creates 301 redirects after a post’s modification. 
  • Detects and handles infinite loops in 301 redirects. 
  • Option to disable 301 redirects. 
  • Support for regular expressions. 
  • Lightweight and fast. 


Simple 301 Redirects by WP Developer is a free WordPress plugin, making it a cost-effective and user-friendly solution for creating and managing 301 redirects on your website.

So, Which Redirect Plugin Do You Prefer? 

Redirects are an essential aspect of website management, especially when it comes to maintaining good search engine optimization (SEO) practices. 

Our experts suggest these top-rated WordPress plugins, such as 301 Redirects, Redirection, and Safe Redirect Manager. They provide advanced features and customization options for redirect management, making it easier for website owners to streamline their redirects and improve website performance.

Finally, choosing the proper method and tool for your website will depend on your specific needs and goals and will improve the overall user experience and SEO. 

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