best gdpr plugin for wordpress

9+ Best GDPR Plugin for WordPress in 2024 (Reviewed and Tested)

How your website handles personalized data is crucial; this process should meet legal regulations. A GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) plugin can help maintain this valid state and keep your site within the law. 

Below, we explore the best GDPR plugin for WordPress that gives you an edge over your website and maintains a lawful state in the long run.

What is GDPR? (Why Should You Care?) 

GDPR, or General Data Protection Regulation, is a set of regulations enacted by the European Union. It’s designed to protect the privacy and personal data of EU citizens.

This regulation was designed to modernize laws protecting personal information. Its primary aim is to give individuals more control over their data while imposing stricter rules on those hosting and ‘processing’ this data anywhere in the world.

Remember, GDPR applies to all organizations, regardless of location, that process the personal data of individuals in the EU. It includes companies outside the EU that offer goods or services to EU residents or monitor their behavior (like tracking online activities).

You may be wondering why GDPR is so important. Well, there are some considerations we need to think about, 

  • Strict law: GDPR compliance attracts visitors from the EU. Non-compliance can result in significant fines – up to €20 million or 4% of your global turnover, whichever is higher. 
  • Builds authority: Complying with GDPR builds trust with your audience. Users are more likely to engage with a website that respects their privacy and is transparent about data usage.
  • Global impact: GDPR sets a global standard for data privacy. Even if your website is based outside the EU, it’s likely to influence local data protection laws, making GDPR compliance a proactive step for future global regulations.
  • Enhanced user experience: By adhering to GDPR, you will likely streamline user interactions on your website. Clear consent forms and privacy policies enhance user experience, making your site more user-friendly and trustworthy.
  • Risk management: GDPR compliance helps in mitigating risks associated with data breaches. By implementing GDPR guidelines, your website is better equipped to handle and protect user data, reducing the potential for costly security incidents.
  • Competitive advantage: In a market where consumers are increasingly aware of their data rights, GDPR compliance can be a differentiating factor. It can give you a competitive edge, especially against non-compliant people.
  • Marketing and data quality: GDPR compliance ensures that the data you collect is with consent, often from engaged and interested users. This can lead to higher-quality data for your marketing efforts.

10 Plugins to Maintain a Perfect GDPR Status 

You don’t want to mess with European law, right? Which is why it’s best to trust the professionals. The plugins we will mention below have a good reputation for providing excellent functionalities that keep millions of websites GDPR-compliant all over the globe. 

All the plugins at a glance-

  1. GDPR Compliance
  2. WP Cookie Consent
  3. Cookie Notice for GDPR & CCPA
  4. CookieYes (GDPR Cookie Consent & Compliance)
  5. Complianz (GDPR/CCPA Cookie Consent)
  6. Cookiebot
  7. Simple GDPR
  8. iubenda
  9. WP Activity Log
  10. Optinmonster

GDPR Compliance

GDPR- Best GDPR Plugin for WordPress

The GDPR Cookie Compliance plugin for WordPress equips your site to meet GDPR, CCPA, DSGVO, and EU cookie law requirements. This free plugin is highly effective, straightforward to use, and well-supported. It helps manage cookie consent intuitively, ensuring legal compliance without overwhelming the user or webmaster.

Highlighted Features

  • Local Data Storage ensures user data remains on your site
  • Easy to install and set up
  • Provides users control over their cookie consent
  • Customizable design with your branding
  • Integrates with tools like GTM, GA, and Meta Pixel
  • Offers flexible cookie consent banner positioning

WP Cookie Consent

WP Cookie Notice- Best GDPR Plugin for WordPress

WP Cookie Consent is a versatile WordPress plugin that assists in complying with the EU GDPR’s cookie consent and CCPA’s “Do Not Sell” Opt-Out regulations. It’s a comprehensive solution for website owners, offering a fully customizable cookie consent bar and a ‘Do Not Sell’ notice for CCPA compliance. 

One of the good parts about WP Cookie Consent is that it respects users’ choices. It allows access to your website even if they do not consent to non-necessary cookies and provides the option to withdraw or change consent. 

Highlighted Features

  • Granular control for users over cookie consent
  • Ability to revoke consent
  • Create, edit, or delete cookie information easily
  • Categorize cookies into various types
  • Subtle cookie consent notice
  • Compliance with IAB Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF)

Cookie Notice for GDPR & CCPA

If you are looking for a straightforward and customizable solution, you should prioritize WP Cookie Notice. It helps your website adhere to cookie consent requirements mandated by the EU GDPR cookie law and CCPA regulations. The plugin simplifies compliance by providing an easily integrated website banner tailored to the latest legal requirements.

Along with customizable banners supporting GDPR, CCPA, and other data privacy laws, WP Cookie Notice emphasizes user consent and transparency, offering features like a customizable notice message, consent options via click, scroll, or close, and varied cookie expiry options.

Highlighted Features

  • Customizable notice message.
  • Consent options via click, scroll, or close.
  • Multiple cookie expiry options.
  • Link to Privacy Policy page.
  • Synchronization with WordPress Privacy Policy page.
  • WPML and Polylang compatibility for multilingual support.

CookieYes (GDPR Cookie Consent & Compliance)

The CookieYes GDPR Cookie Consent plugin is a comprehensive solution for GDPR compliance, smoothly integrating a cookie banner into your website. It supports various global data protection laws, including LGPD (Brazil), CNIL (France), PIPEDA (Canada), and others, ensuring broad applicability. 

Additionally, it aligns with numerous state privacy laws in the United States, such as CCPA/CPRA in California, VCDPA in Virginia, CPA in Colorado, and more.

Highlighted Features

  • Enables a cookie consent banner with Accept and Reject options.
  • Provides a free connection to the CookieYes web app for advanced features.
  • Offers automatic scanning and categorization of cookies.
  • Includes a shortcode to display a list of cookies on your cookie policy page.
  • Fully customizable cookie notice style to match your website.
  • Features a Cookie List module to display cookies neatly on your Privacy & Cookies Policy page.

Complianz (GDPR/CCPA Cookie Consent)

Complianz is a GDPR/CCPA Cookie Consent plugin that caters to a wide range of data protection regulations including GDPR, ePrivacy, DSGVO, TTDSG, LGPD, POPIA, APA, RGPD, CCPA/CPRA, and PIPEDA. 

It offers a versatile solution with a conditional Cookie Notice and a customized Cookie Policy, developed from the results of a built-in Cookie Scan. Compliance is designed to be flexible, adapting to different regional requirements and thus ensuring compliance across various jurisdictions.

Highlighted Features

  • Region-specific Cookie Notice, adaptable for the European Union, the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, Canada, or a universal notice.
  • Customizable Cookie Consent and Conditional Notice with WCAG Level AA and ADA compliance.
  • Banner templates for different consent types and dismiss options based on legislation.
  • Automatic website configuration based on wizard questions and WordPress scans.
  • Blocking of third-party cookies and iFrames, with placeholders for blocked iFrames.
  • Cookie Policy generation with an easy wizard created by an IT Law Firm. 


Cookiebot is a Consent Management Platform (CMP) that provides a user-friendly and fully automated WordPress cookie banner, ensuring compliance with various privacy regulations such as the GDPR, DMA, LGPD, CCPA, and others. 

By giving website visitors more control over their personal data, Cookiebot not only aids in compliance but also builds trust. Its integration capabilities stand out, particularly with Google Tag Manager and Google Consent Mode, offering a robust solution for automating user consent collection and ensuring high-quality, compliant data.

Highlighted Features

  • Highly customizable cookie banner, allowing visitors to opt in or out of individual cookie categories.
  • Automated cookie scan for regular detection and update of cookies and tracking technologies.
  • Automated cookie policy creation, ensuring an up-to-date and accurate cookie declaration on your privacy page.
  • Integration with Google Consent Mode, signaling user consent decisions to all Google services for DMA compliance.
  • Automatic blocking of cookies and trackers until user consent is given.
  • Compliance with various regulations and frameworks, including GDPR, DMA, ePrivacy, LGPD, POPIA, CCPA, CPRA, VCDPA, and TCF v2.2.

Simple GDPR

The Simple GDPR plugin for WordPress offers a straightforward approach to GDPR compliance, particularly suited for smaller or less complex websites. It generates an essential ‘cookies are OK’ banner, requiring users to accept terms to access the site, and creates a privacy page following the US Better Business Bureau’s recommendations. 

Furthermore, It includes a unique feature for Google Analytics tracking that works server-side, effectively bypassing adblockers to ensure more accurate analytics data.

Highlighted Features

  • Easy creation of a ‘cookies are OK’ banner/button.
  • Automatic generation of a privacy page based on US Better Business Bureau guidelines.
  • Option to include a Privacy Page link in the site footer.
  • Server-side Google Analytics integration to circumvent ad blockers.
  • Does not save personal information on your server, only stores cookies on visitors’ browsers.
  • Simple installation and activation process through the WordPress’ Plugins’ menu.


The Iubenda plugin offers an all-in-one solution for GDPR and other privacy law compliance needs. It’s a simple yet effective tool that scans your site and auto-configures to meet your specific compliance requirements. 

Moreover, this plugin supports a wide range of laws, including GDPR, UK-GDPR, ePrivacy, LGPD, and CCPA/CPRA, making it a versatile choice for global compliance.

Highlighted Features

  • Auto-scans site and auto-configures for compliance.
  • Generates customizable cookie banners and manages cookie consent.
  • Creates CCPA notices with DNS and MPI links.
  • Offers IAB TCF integration for ad revenue maximization.
  • Generates customizable privacy and cookie policies.
  • Auto-detects user location for correct data privacy settings application.

WP Activity Log

WP Activity Log is a comprehensive WordPress plugin designed to maintain a detailed log of user and system activities on your site, crucial for GDPR compliance. Its role is to ensure transparency and accountability by recording actions taken on your WordPress site, thereby simplifying user activity monitoring and aiding in data protection of your audience. 

Highlighted Features

  • Detailed logging of user activities.
  • Real-time monitoring of system changes.
  • Useful for ensuring user productivity and accountability.
  • Aids in troubleshooting and managing WordPress sites.
  • Ability to spot suspicious behavior early.
  • Support for WordPress multisite networks.


Optinmaster is not your typical GDPR plugin instead it’s a versatile WordPress plugin widely recognized for its effective lead generation and email marketing capabilities. It’s tailored to bolster GDPR compliance by offering features like customizable opt-in forms and targeted popups. This plugin is adept at converting website visitors into subscribers and customers, enhancing email list growth and sales.

Highlighted Features

  • Customizable pop ups for various marketing needs.
  • Diverse popup formats like Lightbox, Floating Bar, Slide-in, Fullscreen, and Gamified Spin a Wheel.
  • Exit-intent popup technology to engage potential leavers.
  • Smart page targeting and behavior-based personalization.
  • Advanced A/B testing and analytics for performance optimization.
  • User-friendly popup builder with extensive template options.


Do all types of websites need GDPR?

GDPR compliance is essential for websites handling the personal data of EU residents. This includes any website that collects, stores, or processes such data, regardless of the website’s geographical location. It applies to many websites, from e-commerce platforms to blogs, if they interact with EU residents’ data.

Why is GDPR applied for websites?

GDPR is enforced on websites to protect individuals’ personal data and privacy rights within the EU. It mandates transparency in data handling, ensuring data security and user privacy. This regulation helps build trust between users and digital platforms, making the digital space safer and more reliable.

Who is protected by GDPR?

GDPR safeguards the data privacy rights of all individuals within the European Union. Its protection extends to EU residents irrespective of where the data processing website is based, reflecting the global impact of the regulation. This comprehensive protection includes data rights like access, rectification, and deletion.

Is WordPress GDPR Compliant?

WordPress provides features to aid GDPR compliance, such as privacy policy tools and consent checkboxes. However, total compliance depends on how site owners configure their WordPress site, including using compliant plugins and handling of user data. Regular updates and careful plugin selection are key.

What are the 7 principles of GDPR?

The seven principles of GDPR are,

  • Lawfulness, fairness, and transparency: Processing of personal data must be lawful, fair, and transparent to the data subject.
  • Purpose limitation: Data should be collected for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a way incompatible with those purposes.
  • Data minimization: Only data necessary for its processing purposes should be collected and processed.
  • Accuracy: Personal data must be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date.
  • Storage limitation: Personal data should be kept in a form that permits identification of data subjects for no longer than necessary for the purposes for which the personal data are processed.
  • Integrity and confidentiality (Security): Personal data should be processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction, or damage.
  • Accountability: The data controller is responsible for, and must be able to demonstrate, compliance with the other GDPR principles.

Make Your Website Legally Protected with These Perfect GDPR Plugins  

And, there you have it a list of the 10 best GDPR plugin for WordPress. Still, The perfect plugin should ensure compliance and integrate smoothly with WordPress, offering user-friendliness and robust functionality. 

Choosing the right plugin is more than fulfilling legal obligations; valuing user privacy and fostering trust. Opt for a plugin that resonates with your site’s values and elevates the trust of your user base.

In the end, the best plugin is the one that benefits you and your user base both!  

Wishing you a prosperous New Year!

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