customer retention management software

12 Best Customer Retention Management Software in 2024 (Reviewed by G2 Customers!)

According to Pipeline, 32% of all service industries use CRM tools to retain customers, most of which are SaaS businesses. On average, a SaaS business can spend more than $15,000+ on obtaining a single new customer. We also have to consider The chance of retaining an old customer, which can be lower than 2% (Gaming business) to as high as 93% (B2B SaaS business). 

So, customer acquisition costs are a substantial expense for companies, particularly in the highly competitive SaaS sector. For startups, the journey toward market relevance and financial stability is full of challenges; simply, they need more money. 

As a startup, you must maximize the return on every dollar spent, making customer retention an essential pillar of your strategy. This is why you will need different types of CRM software! Below, we will explain why you must utilize CRM software for your online business and the best software available. 

What is CRM (Customer Retention Management) Software? 

Customer Retention Management (CRM) software is a vital asset in your digital arsenal, focusing on nurturing and preserving your valuable relationships with your customers. 

This sophisticated software encompasses a range of functionalities aimed at systematically analyzing and managing customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle. By leveraging advanced analytics, CRM software enables you to predict customer behaviors, personalize interactions, and implement targeted retention strategies, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

CRM tools facilitate collecting and processing customer data from various touchpoints, including social media, email, and customer support interactions. These automation features within CRM software can significantly streamline operational efficiencies, allowing for more consistent and impactful customer engagement.

Imagine a scenario where a CRM system identifies a pattern in customer support queries, indicating a common issue or concern. Utilizing this insight, you can proactively address this concern through a targeted email campaign or a personalized offer, mitigating potential dissatisfaction and enhancing customer retention. 

A CRM software focuses on-

  • Collecting and organizing customer data
  • Tracking customer interactions across multiple channels
  • Segmenting customers for targeted marketing efforts
  • Personalizing customer communication
  • Automating sales, marketing, and customer service tasks
  • Providing analytics and reporting for informed decision-making
  • Managing customer feedback and support issues
  • Enhancing customer engagement and loyalty programs
  • Facilitating collaboration across teams for a unified customer approach
  • Predicting customer behaviors and sales trends

Different Types of CRM Tools 

There are 3 types of CRM tools you should be concerned about. 

i. Operational CRM

When you use Operational CRM, you focus on streamlining your daily operations involving direct customer interactions. This CRM tool is designed to automate and improve business processes like marketing, sales, and customer service.

For example, if you’re running an online store, an operational CRM system could automatically send follow-up emails to customers who abandoned their shopping carts, offering them a discount to complete their purchases.

ii. Analytical CRM

With Analytical CRM, you dive deep into the data your business collects. This CRM tool analyzes customer information better to understand their behavior, preferences, and needs. You’ll leverage this data to make informed decisions and shape your business strategies. 

If you have a cafe chain, an analytical CRM will allow you to analyze sales data across different locations and times, identifying trends such as winter’s most popular menu items. 

iii. Collaborative CRM

Collaborative CRM enhances communication and collaboration within your organization and with your customers. This tool is crucial for ensuring that everyone, from sales to customer service, works with a unified understanding of your customers’ needs. 

This CRM software plays a vital role for telecommunications companies. When a customer calls customer service with a billing issue, the representative can access the customer’s entire interaction history, including previous calls and email exchanges.

Most CRM tools nowadays have different features that allow them to have all types of features in one platform. 

How to Drive Online Business Success: 8 CRM Software Advantages

In 2024, competition and customer expectations are higher than ever; online businesses constantly seek innovative solutions to stand out and foster growth. 

CRM software can be crucial in achieving these objectives by providing the tools needed to enhance customer interactions, improve operational efficiency, and drive business growth.

i. Increase your customer lifetime value (CLV)

Imagine a world where your customers don’t just make a one-time purchase but become loyal patrons of your brand, significantly increasing the total amount they spend with you over their lifetime. This is precisely what a Customer Retention Management Software (CRMS) can help you achieve. 

By deeply understanding your customers’ behaviors, preferences, and needs, CRMS enables you to tailor your offerings and interactions to match. This level of personalization fosters stronger relationships and encourages ongoing engagement and repeat purchases, driving up the overall value each customer brings to your business.

ii. Drastically reduce customer churn

In the ever-competitive business landscape, losing customers can be a major setback. However, with CRMS, you can turn the tide by identifying the early signs of customer dissatisfaction or disengagement. 

This powerful insight allows you to proactively intervene with targeted strategies— through personalized offers, addressing specific concerns, or simply reaching out to show you care. Such timely and relevant actions can rekindle the customer’s interest and loyalty, effectively reducing the likelihood of them leaving for a competitor.

iii. Unlock new cross-sell and up-sell opportunities

Your existing customers are a goldmine of untapped potential, and CRMS is the key to unlocking this treasure. By analyzing purchase histories, preferences, and customer interactions, CRMS identifies the perfect moments and opportunities for recommending additional products or upgrades that genuinely interest your customers. 

This strategy boosts your sales and enhances the customer experience by providing value where it’s most relevant and appreciated, strengthening your relationship with each customer.

iv. Streamline your communication efforts

Consistent and coherent communication across all channels is essential for maintaining a positive customer relationship. CRMS centralizes all customer data, ensuring that every interaction, whether through email, social media, or in-person, is informed by a comprehensive understanding of the customer’s history with your brand. 

This improves the efficiency and effectiveness of your communication efforts and fosters a sense of recognition and personal attention that customers highly value.

v. Elevate your customer support experience

Providing exceptional customer support is critical for retention, and CRMS transforms this aspect of your business by enabling personalized and proactive service. Armed with detailed customer profiles and histories, your support team can anticipate needs, address issues more effectively, and provide solutions that are tailored to each individual. 

This level of personalized attention resolves issues more efficiently and leaves customers feeling valued and satisfied, significantly enhancing their overall experience with your brand.

vi. Make informed decisions with confidence

Navigating the complexities of customer retention requires informed decision-making, and CRMS supplies the insights and data you need to make strategic choices. From understanding the effectiveness of retention campaigns to identifying patterns in customer behavior, CRMS analytics offer a clear view of what’s working and what’s not. 

This empowers you to fine-tune your strategies, allocate resources more effectively, and confidently seize new opportunities, ensuring your business remains agile and responsive to customer needs.

vii. Gain a competitive edge

In a marketplace where competition is fierce, standing out is vital. CRMS offers you a powerful advantage by enabling a customer-centric approach that prioritizes satisfaction and loyalty. This distinguishes your brand from competitors and cultivates loyal customers likelier to stay with you, even when new options arise. By investing in CRMS, you retain customers and build a loyal community around your brand.

viii. Enhance your brand’s reputation

The power of positive word-of-mouth cannot be underestimated. Satisfied customers are your best ambassadors, spreading the word about their great experiences with your brand. CRMS helps you consistently exceed customer expectations, leading to high levels of satisfaction and loyalty. 

These happy customers are more likely to share their positive experiences with others, enhancing your brand’s reputation and attracting new customers through the most trusted and effective form of marketing.

Top 12 Best Customer Retention Management Software 

After digging through, we curated some of the best CRM tools trusted by millions of business owners online. 

Name G2 Reviews 5 Star PercentageAward
Zendesk Support Suite580561%Leader (Winter 2024)
Zoho CRM252351% Leader (Spring 2023)
HubSpot CRM220264%50 Best Customer Service Software in G2
Pipedrive174360%Leader (Winter 2024)
Keap152565%Leader – Small Business (Winter 2024)
Nimble CRM105674%Leader (Winter 2024)
SugarCRM Solution Suite92347%
SAP Sales Cloud73651%Leader (Winter 2024)
Microsoft Dynamics 36556240%Leader (Winter 2024)
Salesforce CRM376 54%
Whatfix31581%Leader (Winter 2024)
Oracle CRM9531%

1. Zendesk Support Suite

Zendesk- Best Customer Retention Management Software

Zendesk Support Suite is engineered to enhance the efficiency of customer service operations and elevate the overall customer experience. Initially, it’s noteworthy for its seamless integration across various communication channels, ensuring that customer interactions, regardless of the platform, are effortlessly managed in a unified interface.

Following that, the suite’s utilization of AI and automation significantly streamlines workflows, directing queries to the appropriate agents and providing them with the necessary context for quick resolution. 

Zendesk’s sophisticated analytics and reporting features offer deep insights into customer satisfaction and agent performance, enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions aimed at service improvement and growth.

Best Features of Zendesk 

  • Unified customer interaction interface
  • AI and automation for efficient query resolution
  • In-depth analytics and reporting
  • Customizable support workflows
  • Real-time chat and messaging capabilities
  • Self-service options through a knowledge base
  • Multi-language support
Suite Team$55
Suite Growth$89
Suite Professional$115
Suite EnterpriseTalk with customer service

2. Zoho CRM

Best Customer Retention Management Software 

Zoho CRM is a comprehensive solution designed to streamline your customer relationship management. 

Initially, it shines with its ability to automate sales processes, enhancing efficiency and allowing your team to focus on creating meaningful customer interactions. Following this, its versatility comes to the forefront, offering customization options that perfectly fit your unique business requirements.

Moreover, the platform’s advanced analytics tools provide deep insights into your sales performance, empowering you to make data-driven decisions. This trio of core functionalities underscores Zoho CRM’s commitment to fostering improved customer relationships and business growth.

Best Features of Zoho CRM

  • Automation of sales processes
  • Customization options
  • Advanced analytics tools
  • Multi-channel communication
  • Lead management
  • Real-time notifications
  • Integration capabilities

3. HubSpot CRM

HubSpot CRM

HubSpot CRM is a beacon for businesses seeking a powerful yet user-friendly platform to manage customer relationships. At its foundation, it offers seamless integration with sales, marketing, and service hubs, making it a versatile tool for aligning cross-functional teams. 

What sets HubSpot CRM apart is its ease of use combined with comprehensive features that facilitate customer management and actionable insights, thanks to its robust analytics. Furthermore, the platform’s scalability means it grows with you, adapting to your business’s evolving needs without compromising performance or user experience.

Best Features of HubSpot CRM

  • Seamless integration with sales, marketing, and service hubs
  • User-friendly interface
  • Comprehensive analytics
  • Free to start with scalable options
  • Automated workflows
  • Customizable deal pipelines
  • Extensive integration ecosystem

4. pipedrive


pipedrive is a CRM software tool crafted with a clear focus on sales management and pipeline visibility. Its intuitive interface simplifies the complex sales process, allowing you to organize leads and deals efficiently. 

At the heart of pipedrive’s offering is its ability to provide clear, actionable insights into your sales pipeline, enabling precise forecasting and strategic planning. Furthermore, the software’s customization capabilities ensure that it can adapt to the unique demands of your business, making it a versatile tool for sales teams of any size.

Best Features of pipedrive

  • Intuitive sales pipeline management
  • Actionable insights and reporting
  • Customization options
  • Easy integration with other tools
  • Automated workflows
  • Goal setting and tracking
  • Mobile app availability

5. Keap


Keap is a CRM software tool that specializes in streamlining customer interactions and automating sales and marketing processes for small businesses. Initially, its standout feature is the automation of repetitive tasks, which not only saves time but also ensures consistency in customer communication. 

So, Keap offers an integrated sales and marketing platform, allowing you to manage your leads, customer information, and marketing campaigns in one place. Moreover, its detailed reporting and analytics provide deep insights into your business performance, helping you make data-driven decisions.

Best Features of Keap

  • Automation of sales and marketing tasks
  • Integrated sales and marketing platform
  • Detailed reporting and analytics
  • Customizable CRM to fit business needs
  • E-commerce functionality
  • Lead capture and management
  • Email marketing tools
Pro$159 /mo
Max$229 /mo
Ultimate$229 /mo

6. Nimble CRM

Nimble CRM

Nimble CRM is tailored to simplify and enhance customer relationship management by intelligently integrating social media insights into a comprehensive CRM platform. Initially, its strength lies in providing a unified view of your contacts, compiling email, social media interactions, and other communications in one place. This facilitates a deeper understanding of your customer’s needs and preferences. 

Following this, Nimble’s ability to identify relevant contact insights and opportunities directly within your workflow stands out, ensuring timely and personalized engagement. Its robust segmentation tools also allow targeted marketing campaigns, further improving customer interaction and retention.

Best Features of Nimble CRM

  • Unified contact view
  • Social media integration
  • Contact insights and opportunities
  • Robust segmentation tools
  • Sales pipeline management
  • Activity tracking and reminders
  • Easy integration with popular business apps

7. SugarCRM


SugarCRM is a comprehensive CRM solution for businesses seeking a deep and customizable approach to managing customer relationships. Its robust platform automates sales, marketing, and customer service processes, providing a unified system that enhances efficiency and insight. 

Initially, the software’s flexibility is evident in its extensive customization options, allowing it to adapt to specific business workflows. SugarCRM’s advanced analytics tools are pivotal in offering actionable insights, enabling businesses to fine-tune strategies and improve customer engagement. 

Lastly, its emphasis on a user-friendly interface ensures that your team can leverage its full potential with minimal learning curve.

Best Features of SugarCRM

  • Extensive customization options
  • Automated sales, marketing, and service processes
  • Advanced analytics and reporting
  • User-friendly interface
  • Comprehensive customer view
  • Mobile access for on-the-go management
  • Integration with third-party apps

8. SAP Sales Cloud

SAP Sales Cloud

SAP Sales Cloud is a powerful CRM solution engineered to enhance sales efficiency and customer engagement for businesses of all sizes. Initially, its strengths lie in delivering comprehensive sales automation and forecasting tools that streamline the sales process, enabling your team to focus on building meaningful customer relationships. 

Its advanced analytics capabilities offer deep insights into sales performance and customer behavior, facilitating strategic decision-making. Also, SAP Sales Cloud is renowned for its integration flexibility, seamlessly connecting with a variety of systems and data sources to provide a holistic view of the customer journey.

Best Features of SAP Sales Cloud

  • Comprehensive sales automation
  • Advanced analytics and forecasting
  • Integration flexibility
  • Real-time customer insights
  • Mobile access for field sales
  • Customizable sales processes
  • Robust data security measures
Standard Edition$275
Professional Edition$550
Enterprise Edition$935

9. Microsoft Dynamics 365

Microsoft Dynamics 365

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a versatile CRM software tool that integrates deeply with other Microsoft products, offering a cohesive solution for managing customer relationships, sales, and marketing. Initially, its power lies in leveraging AI to provide predictive insights and automation, streamlining operations, and personalizing customer interactions. 

Furthermore, Dynamics 365 offers an adaptable platform that grows with your business, ensuring scalability and flexibility in deployment options. Lastly, its robust analytics capabilities provide comprehensive data analysis, enhancing decision-making and strategic planning.

Best Features of Microsoft Dynamics 365

  • AI-powered insights and automation
  • Scalable and flexible platform
  • Deep integration with Microsoft products
  • Comprehensive analytics and reporting
  • Customizable data models
  • Unified data across business applications
  • Advanced security features
Has a complex prizing pattern 

10. Salesforce CRM Analytics

Salesforce CRM Analytics

Salesforce CRM Analytics, formerly known as Tableau CRM, is a sophisticated analytics platform integrated within Salesforce, designed to enhance decision-making across your entire organization. Initially, its strength lies in providing advanced AI-driven insights directly into your Salesforce environment, allowing for a deeper understanding of customer behavior and business trends. 

One of the best parts about this software is its ease of use and intuitive design to democratize data analysis, enabling users across roles to generate actionable insights without requiring extensive technical knowledge. 

Finally, Salesforce CRM Analytics excels in its customization capabilities, allowing businesses to tailor dashboards and reports to their needs, ensuring relevant and impactful data visualization.

Best Features of Salesforce CRM Analytics

  • Advanced AI-driven insights
  • Intuitive design and user experience
  • Customizable dashboards and reports
  • Seamless integration with Salesforce
  • Real-time data analysis
  • Predictive analytics capabilities
  • Comprehensive data security measures
Einstein Predictions$75
CRM Analytics Growth$140
CRM Analytics Plus$165

11. Whatfix


Whatfix is a digital adoption platform designed to enhance user experience and streamline the learning curve of complex software applications. At its core, Whatfix excels in creating interactive guides and walkthroughs, making it easier for users to navigate software tools and processes. This directly impacts productivity by reducing the time and resources spent on training and support. 

Moreover, Whatfix offers analytics to monitor user engagement and identify areas for improvement, ensuring that the guidance provided is both effective and efficient. Also, its customization capabilities allow for a tailored user experience, aligning with specific business needs and user preferences.

Best Features of Whatfix

  • Interactive guides and walkthroughs
  • Analytics to monitor engagement
  • Customization for tailored experiences
  • Integration with multiple platforms
  • In-app support and feedback collection
  • Scalability for enterprise adoption
  • User performance tracking

12. Oracle CRM

Oracle CRM

Oracle CRM is a comprehensive suite designed to empower businesses with advanced customer relationship management capabilities. At its foundation, this software offers a robust platform for managing sales, marketing, and customer service operations, fostering a seamless customer experience across all touchpoints. 

Notably, its ability to integrate with Oracle’s extensive suite of business applications ensures that data flows freely across your organization, providing a unified view of customer interactions. 

Oracle CRM stands out for its advanced analytics and customization options, which allow businesses to tailor the CRM to their specific needs and gain actionable insights into customer behavior and preferences.

Best Features of Oracle CRM

  • Robust sales, marketing, and service management
  • Seamless integration with Oracle applications
  • Advanced analytics and reporting
  • Customization and scalability
  • Comprehensive customer data management
  • Mobile accessibility for on-the-go management
  • High-level data security and compliance features
Pricing (Oracle Sales)


What are the 4 stages of customer retention in online business?

The 4 stages of customer retention in online business are- 

  • Attraction: Draw potential customers with engaging marketing and outreach efforts.
  • Conversion: Transform prospects into actual customers through effective calls-to-action or enticing offers.
  • Satisfaction: Exceed customer expectations with high-quality products/services and excellent support.
  • Loyalty: Cultivate a loyal customer base over time with personalized experiences, rewards, and consistent value, turning customers into brand advocates.

Is customer retention a strategy in business?

Indeed, customer retention is a deliberate and strategic effort within business operations to maintain a loyal customer base. It involves understanding and meeting customers’ evolving needs and preferences, thereby reducing the likelihood of them turning to competitors. 

Effective retention strategies can significantly enhance a business’s profitability, as retaining existing customers is often less expensive than acquiring new ones, and loyal customers are likely to make more frequent and larger purchases.

Is customer retention and KPI different?

Customer retention and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) serve distinct purposes within a business context. Customer retention focuses on the strategies and practices to keep customers engaged with your brand over time. 

On the other hand, KPIs are quantifiable measurements used to gauge the performance of various aspects of a business, including the effectiveness of customer retention strategies. KPIs related to retention include metrics like retention rate, customer lifetime value, and churn rate, providing insights into how well your business maintains its customer base.

Can you analyze customer retention?

Analyzing customer retention involves delving into data to uncover patterns, preferences, and potential areas for improvement in how you engage with and retain customers. You gain insights into customer loyalty and satisfaction by evaluating repeat purchase rates, customer lifetime value, and churn rate. This analysis can reveal the effectiveness of your retention efforts and highlight opportunities to enhance customer experiences, making adjustments to services, communications, or rewards programs as needed to boost retention rates.

What is the customer retention rate?

The customer retention rate within the context of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a key metric that reflects the percentage of customers a business successfully retains over a given period. 

This metric excludes any new customers acquired during that time. A high customer retention rate indicates effective CRM strategies and practices that keep customers engaged and satisfied with the brand, contributing to sustained revenue and growth. Tracking this rate helps businesses understand the impact of their CRM efforts on customer loyalty and identify areas for further improvement.

Get the Best CRM Software for Your Business

Customer retention management software becomes pivotal and this software not only empowers you to understand relationships through personalized experiences and strategic engagement. 

With the ability to analyze customer behavior, automate communication processes, and track engagement metrics, CRM is an indispensable tool for your online business. So, embrace this technology to ensure your business survives and thrives in the competitive landscape by keeping your customers engaged and satisfied.

Best of luck! 

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