Best tools for SEO Audit

12 Best Tools for SEO Audit in 2023 (Handpicked by SEO Experts)

Building a competitive online business through a website will need a good SEO audit tool for long-term success. Many SEO tools claim to be the best, so how will you select one? 

Table of Contents

No need to worry; we compiled the best SEO audit tools with a good reputation and performance. These tools will give you the edge you need over your competitors. 

Without any delay, let’s dig in-

What are SEO Audit Tools?  

SEO audit tools are digital instruments that help you understand how well your website performs regarding search engine optimization (SEO). I would refer to them as a kind of ‘health-check’ tool for your website. They allow you to analyze different aspects of your website, such as page speed, meta descriptions, URL structure, content quality, and backlinks. 

By identifying the strengths and weaknesses of your site, SEO audit tools can help you enhance your site’s reach and ranking on search engines.

Typically, an SEO audit tool crawls on your website like a search engine would. It checks for different SEO factors, looks for broken links that could harm your site’s SEO, or assesses your site’s mobile responsiveness. It could also identify areas where your website could improve regarding keyword usage.

SEO audit tools are great because they provide up-to-date data about everything online. Utilizing these tools allows you to stay ahead of SEO trends and optimize your website for the best results. 

How to Improve the Indexability and Crawlability of a Website?

Top 12 SEO Audit Tools You Can Try 

With great customer service and reliability, these tools below have maintained their reputation for a long time. 

#1 – WooRank

WooRank- Tools for SEO Audit

WooRank is an advanced SEO audit tool designed to empower you in optimizing your website’s online presence. It delivers comprehensive insights into your site’s performance, making it a go-to for SEO professionals. Its easy-to-understand interface helps uncover areas of improvement, aiding you in making informed decisions.

This tool deepens your website, assessing both on-page and off-page SEO. It helps you understand the current state of your website, providing detailed reports that pinpoint areas that require attention. From metadata to backlink health, WooRank leaves no stone unturned.

As an added benefit, WooRank lets you peek into your competitors’ strategies. This crucial feature equips you with the knowledge of where your competitors excel or fall short, giving you the competitive edge in formulating your winning strategy.

Features to look out for

  • Comprehensive SEO site audits for thorough analysis
  • User-friendly interface making SEO accessible
  • In-depth competitor SEO strategy analysis
  • Effective keyword tracking for optimization
  • Detailed multi-device SEO analysis
  • Continuous SEO performance monitoring and reporting
  • Valuable educational resources for learning
  • Provides actionable insights to improve website performance

Pricing information

The regular pro version of WooRank starts with US $89.99, and an enterprise version has a flexible plan that requires permission from the sales team. 

What makes WooRank worth the investment? 

WooRank’s perfect features and user-friendly interface make it an excellent choice for beginners and seasoned professionals. 

#2 – Ubersuggest


As the features suggest, Ubersuggest is an SEO tool with an edge, developed by marketing guru Neil Patel. It gives you a deeper understanding of keyword dynamics, transforming how you approach SEO. With its data-driven insights, Ubersuggest supports your strategy creation and implementation.

At its core, Ubersuggest thrives in keyword analysis. It offers keyword search volumes and insights into competition, cost per click, and seasonal trends. This information helps you identify the most profitable keywords for your business and create effective SEO strategies.

Alongside keyword analysis, Ubersuggest has a site audit feature. This feature is designed to help you uncover issues that could be hindering your website’s performance in search engine rankings. Ubersuggest enables you to catch and correct these pitfalls, from page speed issues to meta description errors.

Features to look out for

  • Advanced keyword research and insights
  • Competition analysis for chosen keywords
  • Seasonal trend analysis for keyword performance
  • Backlink data analysis and tracking
  • SEO performance tracking and ranking
  • Detailed website audit capabilities
  • Content ideas based on keyword performance
  • Comprehensive SEO metrics reporting

Pricing information

Ubersuggest offers a limited free version and premium plans starting from $29/month. Please refer to the official Ubersuggest website for the most current pricing.

What makes Ubersuggest worth the investment? 

Ubersuggest impresses with its comprehensive, user-friendly keyword insights, making it an invaluable asset for marketers seeking to enhance their SEO strategies.

#3 – Google Search Console

Google Search Console

How would you react if you had a free tool that let’s know many crucial insights about your website? Awesome right? Google Search Console is an indispensable tool provided by Google that gives you an inside look into your website’s search performance. 

This tool is designed to help you understand how Google’s search engine views your site, offering a unique perspective on your SEO efforts. With its data straight from the source, Google Search Console is a vital resource for any SEO professional.

Google indexes Google Search Console’s crucial information, including which of your pages and how they are ranked. It also highlights any issues that might prevent your site from indexing properly, such as crawl errors. Understanding and addressing these aspects can significantly improve your website’s visibility in Google searches.

Moreover, it gives you insights into what queries lead users to your site. This data can be instrumental in adjusting your SEO strategy to target the most effective keywords and phrases. By knowing exactly what draws users to your site, you can refine your content to serve your audience better.

Features to look out for

  • Detailed view of your website’s indexing status
  • Information on how your site appears in Google Search
  • Alerts for issues affecting your website’s visibility
  • Data on search traffic and user behavior
  • Insights into keywords leading users to your site
  • Tools to submit and check sitemaps
  • Reports on your website’s mobile usability
  • Tools to fix indexing issues and request re-indexing

Pricing information

The best part of Google Search Console is it’s a free tool provided by Google, requiring no payment or subscription.

What makes Google Search Console worth the investment? 

Google Search Console is a crucial, free tool that provides direct insights into a website’s Google search performance, an indispensable resource for any SEO strategy.

#4 – SpyFu


You will love SpyFu because It’s an innovative SEO audit tool that brings competitive intelligence. It empowers you to uncover the SEO strategies that competitors are using, allowing you to create effective counter-strategies. Understanding what works for your competitors gives you a significant edge in the SEO battleground.

One of the key offerings of SpyFu is its ability to reveal the most profitable keywords and ads for paid and organic searches used by your competitors. This information helps you understand the competitive landscape better and tailor your SEO efforts accordingly. With SpyFu, you get the full picture of how your competitors are succeeding.

SpyFu continues beyond just competitor analysis. It also offers a comprehensive suite of SEO tools, from keyword tracking to backlink analysis. These tools help you optimize your own site, so you’re not just keeping up with the competition but potentially outpacing them.

Features to look out for

  • In-depth competitor analysis
  • Insight into competitors’ most profitable keywords
  • Data on competitors’ ad campaigns
  • Comprehensive keyword tracking
  • Backlink analysis and tracking
  • Robust SEO performance reporting
  • SEO ranking and performance tracking
  • SEO audit and recommendations

Pricing information

The basic plan for SpyFu costs $79 and agency $999 monthly. 

What makes Spuyfu worth the investment? 

SpyFu excels in delivering strategic competitive insights, making it an essential SEO tool for marketers who want to gain a competitive edge. 

#5 – Moz Pro


Moz Pro is a comprehensive SEO tool that is specially designed to enhance your online visibility. Its vast features provide the data and insights necessary to optimize your website and climb the SERP rankings. With its user-friendly interface and robust analytics, Moz Pro is a reliable partner in your digital marketing journey.

Keyword research is a breeze with Moz Pro. The tool helps you identify high-value keywords, track rankings, and understand your competitors’ strategy. This allows you to craft content that is valuable to your audience and is SEO optimized.

Moreover, Moz Pro also stands out for its exceptional backlink analysis capabilities. It provides insights into the link profile of your website and your competitors’, helping you identify opportunities for improvement. By building a strong backlink profile, you’re better positioned to improve your website’s authority and overall SEO performance.

Features to look out for

  • Comprehensive backlink analysis for link-building strategies.
  • Detailed site audits to identify and fix SEO issues.
  • Local SEO tools to optimize for local search.
  • Competitive analysis for insightful data on rivals.
  • Rank tracking for constant monitoring of keyword performance.
  • On-page optimization to boost your website’s SEO.
  • Advanced keyword explorer for targeted research.
  • Custom reports for a tailored view of your SEO data.

Pricing information

Moz Pro offers subscription plans starting at $99 per month for the Standard package, with advanced features available in higher-tiered plans.

What makes Moz Pro worth the investment? 

Moz Pro is perfect for your investment because it offers a comprehensive suite of SEO tools, including site audits, keyword research, rank tracking, and link analysis.

#6 – BuzzSumo


Buzzsumo is a potent tool that puts content analytics at your fingertips. In a landscape where content is king, it’s vital to understand what resonates with your audience. With its comprehensive data on content performance and trends, Buzzsumo equips you to create high-quality content that engages your audience and enhances your brand’s visibility.

One of Buzzsumo’s standout features is its content discovery tool. By exploring the most shared and trending topics within your industry, you’re empowered to craft content that aligns with your audience’s interests and expectations, keeping your content strategy relevant and forward-thinking.

It also excels in its influencer identification and outreach tools; building relationships with influencers can significantly broaden your content’s reach, and Buzzsumo makes this process effortless. You can forge strategic partnerships to amplify your content’s impact by identifying key influencers in your niche.

Features to look out for

  • Content discovery tool for identifying trending topics.
  • Comprehensive content analytics for performance tracking.
  • Influencer identification and outreach tools.
  • Content alert system for real-time updates.
  • Advanced social media analytics for understanding audience engagement.
  • Competitor content analysis for competitive insights.
  • Backlink checker to identify who links to your content.
  • Question analyzer to discover popular questions asked by your audience.

Pricing information

Buzzsumo offers a variety of plans starting from $99 per month for the Pro plan, with more robust features available at higher pricing tiers.

What makes BuzzSumo worth the investment? 

Buzzsumo is a valuable plugin that provides insights into popular topics and trends in your industry. With its content discovery features, you can quickly identify high-performing content and understand what resonates with your audience.

#7 – Lumar


Previously known as DeepCrawl, Lumar is an exceptional tool that specializes in providing in-depth website audits. For you, as an SEO professional, understanding the health of your website is vital. DeepCrawl’s robust crawling capabilities can thoroughly analyze your website, pinpointing issues that could hamper your SEO performance and hinder user experience.

By identifying technical SEO issues such as broken links, duplicate content or slow-loading pages, DeepCrawl enables you to take prompt corrective actions. It turns complex data into actionable insights, helping you to optimize your website and improve your search rankings efficiently.

The platform also excels in monitoring and tracking website changes over time. This allows you to understand the impact of your SEO strategies and adjustments. With DeepCrawl, you’re not just fixing problems—you’re building a more robust, more SEO-friendly website.

Features to look out for

  • Comprehensive website crawling for a thorough SEO audit.
  • Monitoring of website changes and tracking their impact over time.
  • Backlink validation for a healthy link profile.
  • Detection and resolution of technical SEO issues.
  • Duplicate content identification and management.
  • Page speed analysis for improved user experience.
  • Custom reports to tailor data to your specific needs.
  • Mobile SEO audits to optimize for mobile users.

Pricing information

DeepCrawl offers various plans, starting with a basic package at $89 per month, with more advanced functionalities in higher-priced plans.

What makes Lumar worth the investment? 

DeepCrawl is worth your investment because it provides comprehensive website audits at scale, helping you uncover technical SEO issues and optimize your website’s performance. 

#8 – Sitebulb

Sitebulb- Website Auditing tool for SEO Consultants

Sitebulb is a powerful website crawler that brings a new level of efficiency to your SEO audits. Its impressive capabilities allow you to dive deep into your website’s structure and functionality, uncovering potential pitfalls affecting your site’s performance. 

The tool excels at discovering and highlighting technical SEO issues such as broken links, duplicate content, or improper redirections. As a digital marketer, you can then focus on rectifying these issues, improving your site’s SEO performance and user experience.

Additionally, Sitebulb’s ability to generate visual reports sets it apart. These graphical representations simplify interpreting complex data, enabling you to understand your site’s architecture better and make informed strategic decisions. With Sitebulb, you’re not just auditing your website—you’re gaining valuable insights to foster growth.

Features to look out for

  • Deep website crawling for comprehensive SEO audits.
  • Identification and resolution assistance for technical SEO problems.
  • Visual representations of data for easy understanding.
  • Internal link analysis for a better-optimized site structure.
  • International SEO support for multi-language websites.
  • Duplicate content detection and management.
  • AMP validation to ensure mobile-optimized content.
  • URL exploration to check and understand specific URLs.

Pricing information

Sitebulb offers different licensing options, with the Individual license starting at $35 per month. More advanced options are available at higher price points.

What makes Sitebulb worth the investment? 

Sitebulb is worth your investment because it offers customizable website audits and insightful reports, allowing you to effectively identify and address technical SEO issues.

#9 – SEOptimer

SEOptimer- SEO Audit and Reporting Tool

SEOptimer is an efficient SEO audit tool that simplifies your website optimization process. With a comprehensive range of features, it is a one-stop solution to identify and rectify issues hindering your website’s performance. For you, it translates to enhanced SEO effectiveness and improved website visibility.

The tool’s ability to conduct in-depth audits of your website is commendable. It uncovers issues such as broken links, slow-loading pages, and improper metadata. The resultant report equips you to fix these problems promptly, improving your site’s SEO health and user experience.

SEOptimer also offers additional features that take it beyond an audit tool. From keyword ranking tracking to backlink analysis, it provides a holistic view of your SEO performance. With these insights, you can make data-driven decisions and craft strategies that boost your website’s rank.

Features to look out for

  • Comprehensive website audit for a health checkup of your site.
  • Detailed backlink analysis for a more robust link profile.
  • SEO performance monitoring for data-driven decision-making.
  • Keyword ranking tracking for better content strategy.
  • Social and reputation analysis for complete online visibility.
  • Speed and security checks for enhanced user experience.
  • White-label reports for branded professional presentations.
  • Embedded forms to offer free SEO audits to visitors on your site.

Pricing information

SEOptimer offers different plans to suit various needs, starting from $19 per month for the DIY SEO plan, with more advanced features available at higher price points.

What makes SEOptimer worth the investment? 

SEOptimer is a valuable investment for you as it delivers SEO audit reports with actionable insights, allowing you to identify on-page issues and optimize your website easily.

#10 – Sitechecker


Sitechecker is an intuitive SEO platform that offers many tools to enhance your website’s visibility. As a comprehensive solution, it provides you with a well-rounded approach to SEO, helping you pinpoint and address issues that might be hampering your site’s performance. It’s user-friendly, straightforward, and built to make your SEO efforts more productive.

The tool shines in website audits, effectively identifying common SEO issues like broken links, poor metadata, or slow load times. This allows you to take corrective action swiftly and improve both your site’s performance and user experience.

Another notable feature is Sitechecker’s on-page SEO checker, which provides valuable insights into your content optimization. This ensures that your content is engaging for your audience and structured optimally for search engines. With Sitechecker, you’re managing your website and strategically enhancing it.

Features to look out for

  • In-depth website audit for a comprehensive SEO checkup.
  • On-page SEO checker for content optimization.
  • Backlink checker for a healthy link profile.
  • Rank tracker to keep an eye on your keyword performance.
  • Website change monitoring to track the impact of your SEO strategies.
  • Page speed checker for improved user experience.
  • SEO analysis of competitors for better strategic planning.
  • SEO management tools to streamline your SEO tasks.

Pricing information

Sitechecker offers different pricing plans, with the Starter plan available at $29 per month and additional features in higher-tier plans.

What makes SiteChecker worth the investment? 

Sitechecker is a good investment as it offers a range of SEO audit features, including identifying technical issues. 

#11 – DeepCrawl


DeepCrawl is a robust web crawler that specializes in SEO audits. It’s designed to mimic the actions of Google’s web crawler to identify any potential SEO issues on your site. This tool helps you ensure that your website is as accessible as possible to search engines, boosting your visibility in search results.

DeepCrawl can handle large websites as a cloud-based service without slowing down your computer or network. It’s capable of scanning millions of pages, making it a good choice for larger websites or e-commerce sites with a vast number of product pages.

DeepCrawl provides a wealth of information about your website’s SEO performance. The tool focuses on SEO health, evaluating factors like load time, dead links, thin content, and duplicate content. This way, you get a holistic view of your website’s performance.

Features to look out for

  • Comprehensive SEO site audits.
  • URL-level data collection.
  • Detailed duplicate content analysis.
  • Extensive backlink analysis.
  • JavaScript rendering.
  • International SEO capabilities.
  • Integration with Google Analytics and Google Search Console.
  • Custom extraction capabilities.

Pricing information

DeepCrawl offers various pricing tiers, starting from $89 per month (as per the latest data available until September 2021).

What makes Deep Crawl worth the investment? 

DeepCrawl is a powerful tool with advanced capabilities, making it a valuable asset for those needing detailed insights and a comprehensive website audit.

#12 – Seobility

SEOBILITY- All-in-one seo software and tools

The final tool in our list is Seobility, an all-in-one SEO software that’s designed to help you optimize your website for search engines. It provides a range of tools that give a deep dive into your website’s SEO health. This can help you understand what is working and what needs improvement on your website.

The tool offers detailed audit reports that examine your site from an SEO perspective, spotting areas where you can enhance your search visibility. Seobility crawls all linked pages – an important factor for larger, complex sites – and provides you with comprehensive data about your site’s SEO performance.

What sets Seobility apart is its focus on providing straightforward, actionable advice. It points out errors and problems with on-page optimization or the page content itself, like duplicate content, making it easier for you to rectify issues and improve your site’s SEO.

Features to look out for

  • Complete SEO site audits
  • Detailed keyword checks
  • Extensive backlink analysis
  • Monitoring of ongoing SEO projects
  • Page optimization recommendations
  • Monitoring of website’s ranking changes
  • User-friendly error reports
  • Duplicate content finder

Pricing information

Seobility offers different pricing plans, starting from $50 per month as per the information available until September 2021.

What makes Seobility worth the investment? 

Seobility is a comprehensive SEO tool that provides clear, actionable insights for website optimization, particularly suitable for improving on-page SEO.

What are the Differences Between Free and Paid SEO Audit Tools?

Most SEO audit tools are paid, considering some offer a trial period. So, we can take the free SEO audit tool as the trial period but exclude Google Search Console because it’s completely free. 

Free SEO Audit Tools

Free SEO audit tools, such as Google Search Console or Ubersuggest, provide a basic level of SEO auditing. They can help you understand your website’s performance and identify significant issues that could impact your SEO.

For example, Google Search Console allows you to see what keywords your site ranks for, submit your sitemap for indexing, check mobile usability, and monitor any crawl errors. Similarly, Ubersuggest offers keyword suggestions, site audit reports, and competitive analysis.

While free tools often need more comprehensive features than their paid counterparts, they’re an excellent place to start, especially for small businesses or individuals learning the ropes of SEO.

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Paid SEO Audit Tools

Paid SEO audit tools offer more advanced features and detailed insights. They cater to businesses with more extensive and complex SEO needs.

Examples of paid SEO audit tools include SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Moz. These tools offer comprehensive SEO audits, analyzing various aspects such as backlinks, on-page SEO, technical SEO, keyword analysis, and competitor analysis.

Paid tools also often offer additional features like progress tracking, detailed reports, content optimization recommendations, and customer support, which can be invaluable for larger businesses or those with more advanced SEO strategies.

9 Facts You Should Consider Before Purchasing a Tools for SEO Audit

website structure

Without proper knowledge and expertise, even the best products crumble to bring any results. This is why selecting the right tool for your website is crucial. 

i) Is the data accurate and reliable?

Accurate data is at the heart of effective SEO. When considering an SEO audit plan, ensure that your chosen tool uses accurate data and algorithms. This will ensure that the insights and recommendations you receive reflect the actual state of your website’s SEO, allowing you to make informed decisions and improvements.

ii) Does the tool have good customer support? 

You may still need help or questions even with the most user-friendly tool. This is where customer support comes in. Before purchasing an SEO audit plan, investigate the company’s level of customer service. Good customer support can distinguish between a smooth, productive, and frustrating experience.

iii) Do you have proper knowledge about the product? 

Lastly, it’s essential to understand the product before making a purchase. SEO audit tools can be complex, with numerous features and functionalities. Take the time to research the product, learn about its features, watch demos or tutorials, read user reviews, and try out a free trial if one is available. The more you know about the product, the better equipped you’ll be to leverage its capabilities to benefit your website’s SEO.

iv) Does it fit within your budget? 

Different SEO audit plans come at different prices. It’s essential to consider whether the plan’s cost aligns with your budget. However, remember that the most expensive option is sometimes the best. Look for a plan that offers the best value for money, combining affordability with a comprehensive feature set.

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v) Is the tool user-friendly? 

A complex SEO audit tool might have a steep learning curve and can waste your valuable time. You want a plan with a device that’s easy to use yet powerful enough to provide the insights you need.

vi) Does it offer actionable insights? 

A good SEO audit plan doesn’t just highlight problems; it should provide actionable recommendations for improving your site’s SEO. Before purchasing a plan, make sure it can give you practical steps you can take to improve your site’s performance.

vii) How complex is your website?

The complexity and size of your website can significantly influence your need for an SEO audit plan. An SEO audit tool is necessary if you operate a larger website with hundreds or even thousands of pages. These tools can identify broken links, improper redirects, and duplicate content across vast sites. 

viii) Are you struggling with specific SEO challenges?

 If you’re struggling with specific SEO issues, such as a sudden drop in rankings or decreased organic traffic, an SEO audit tool can help identify the problem and suggest ways to fix it. It’s a good investment when you know something is wrong but can’t pinpoint it.

ix) Is your SEO audit service committed and legit?

SEO isn’t a one-time activity. It requires continuous effort and adjustment based on changing search engine algorithms. Consider if you have enough time to review the SEO audit reports regularly, implement suggested changes, and monitor the results. 

Why SEO Auditing is Super Beneficial?


Why are SEO audit tools essential?

SEO audit tools are essential because they provide insights into your website’s SEO health. They identify areas of improvement, helping you optimize your site for better search engine rankings and increased organic traffic.

Can SEO audit tools improve my website's ranking?

Yes, SEO audit tools can help improve your website’s ranking by identifying SEO issues and providing recommendations for improvement. They guide your SEO strategy, leading to higher visibility on search engines.

How do SEO audit tools work?

SEO audit tools work by crawling your website like a search engine. They evaluate various SEO factors such as page speed, URL structure, meta descriptions, content quality, and backlinks.

How often should I use an SEO audit tool?

For best results, conducting an SEO audit every few months is recommended. SEO is dynamic, and regular audits ensure your site remains optimized as search algorithms evolve.

Do I need technical skills to use tools for SEO audit?

While some basic understanding of SEO is helpful, most modern SEO audit tools are user-friendly and provide easy-to-understand reports, making them accessible even to non-technical users.

Is it necessary to use multiple SEO audit tools?

No, you don’t need multiple SEO audit tools for your website. Most popular SEO tools are multipurpose, meaning they can simultaneously be used for different tasks. Ahrefs can be a good monitoring tool, and you can use it for keyword research. 

How can I perform a proper SEO audit on my website?

Use these 8 steps to perform a perfect SEO audit perfectly, 

  1. Crawl your website using a tool like Screaming Frog or SEMrush to identify any potential issues.
  2. Review your website’s on-page SEO elements, including title tags, meta descriptions, URL structure, and keyword usage.
  3. Analyze your website’s off-page SEO, especially its backlink profile.
  4. Evaluate technical SEO aspects like website speed, mobile-friendliness, sitemap, and robots.txt file.
  5. Assess the quality and relevance of your website’s content.
  6. Check the user experience on your site, including design and navigation.
  7. Conduct a competitor analysis to identify potential areas for improvement.
  8. Prioritize and implement the recommended changes from the audit.

Are SEO audit tools reliable?

Most reputable SEO audit tools are quite reliable. They utilize updated data and sophisticated algorithms to provide accurate and useful insights about your website’s SEO performance.

How much can an SEO audit tool cost?

The cost of SEO audit tools can significantly differ, depending on their functionalities and the audience they cater to. You can use free tools like Google Search Console that offer essential SEO audit functions. For more functionality, lower-cost devices like ScreamingFrog offer limited free options and more comprehensive features for around $99 monthly and $899 annually. 

Do all SEO audit tools work the same way?

While all SEO audit tools aim to optimize your website’s SEO performance, they may do so in different ways. Each tool has unique features, strengths, and methodologies. Therefore, choosing the one that best suits your specific needs and preferences is important.

Top Tier Tools for Your Website SEO Needs

We mentioned 10 tools in this list, but you need only 1 or 2. So, what tool can be best for your website’s particular SEO? We can cover it for you!  

Sitechecker and SEOptimer can be Great for SEO beginners who are taking steps to start their business. 

If you want a total package for all types of SEO, then MOZ Pro and BuzzSumo can be incredible. These tools offer some of the best SEO features out there. 

If you are thinking of getting a tool for your online affiliate business, businesses, and SEO professionals, then undoubtedly pick Ahrefs for its unimaginable keyword-researching capabilities. This article will guide you in selecting the perfect tool. 

Best wishes for perfecting your website SEO! 

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