How to Make Website Rank Higher on Google

Mastering the Art of Google Rankings: 7+ Strategies to Drive Targeted Traffic to Your Website 

If you are a website owner struggling with ranking in Google, take advantage of this piece of art. You will find different SEO methods online, but aligning them step by step is crucial. 

Suppose, you are a new site owner and woried about Domain Authority (DA) and most of source will say that it’s essential to get rank. But the real thing is it doesn’t hinder your way for rankings. Becasue Google states that domain authority may influence SEO potential but not a ranking factor and doesn’t affect Google search results in any way! 

So, how about we cut straight to the business? Let’s go through a few questions on how to make website rank higher on Google from experts’ answers. 

In a glance, 

How to Make Website Rank Higher on Google: 8 Latest Techniques from Google Algorithm Update

#1 Do Your Contents Sync and Remain Relevant?

Content relevancy is one of the core elements that help Google understand how important your content is to the topic. Creating continuous relevant content for your website and maintaining it can be a challenging but rewarding task. 

When you research for keywords, you can focus on the main keyword, like “Kitchen appliance sets” and find relevant keywords around this topic, 

  • High-quality kitchen tools for cooking.
  • Professional kitchen appliance.
  • Stainless steel kitchen knives.
  • Silicone kitchen tools on sale.
  • Stainless steel kitchen appliances. 

All the keywords in this list are different but resonate with the same “kitchen” theme. By keyword researching this way you can easily make distinct content, at the same time relevant to the topic. 

To know what to search for, you can stay updated with industry trends, like following relevant news sources and industry leaders. The communities can provide inspiration and guidance for creating content that resonates with current events and interests.

And, using keyword researching tools like Ahrefs, Ubersuggest, Semrush, or SECockpit to do the work for you is always a green signal. 

#2 How Much Backlinks are Enough for Your Website?

How to Make Website Rank Higher on Google

How many backlinks you need for a website depends on factors such as the age of your site, the competition in your niche, and your goals for traffic and rankings. More importantly, it’s not just the number of backlinks that matters but the quality and relevance of those links.

But, an exact number can be 40 to 50 backlinks for your homepage. For other connected pages, this number can be 0-100. Remember, the more a backlink is valuable, the less number of them you need for your site. 

So, we know how many we need, but, how can we get backlinks? There are 2 ways to be recognized: either by many individual viewers or by the popular creators. The second method is better because, executing it will help you get success on the first one too.  

You can rely on 3 proven practices to get backlinks, 

a. Guest posting (Mutually beneficial relationship)

You can approach relevant, high-authority websites and offer to write an article or blog post for them. You can include a link back to your website in your author bio or within the content itself (if the site allows it). 

Ensuring that your guest post aligns with the host site’s content and offers real value to its audience is crucial. Otherwise, the site might reject your post. Mutually beneficial relationship! 

b. Resource link building (Mutually beneficial relationship, but the newcomer has something better to offer!) 

This involves creating valuable, comprehensive resources that other websites would want to link to. For example, you could create an in-depth guide, a statistical report, or a helpful infographic that’s relevant to your industry. 

Once you’ve created the resource, you can contact popular websites that cover similar topics and let them know about it. They might link to it as a resource in their own content if they find it valuable. 

c. Building relationships and networking (Just straight being friendly and asking them out)

Often, the best way to gain backlinks is by forming genuine relationships with other website owners, influencers, and authors in your niche. This might involve participating in industry forums, leaving thoughtful comments on relevant blogs, or reaching out directly to people in your industry to discuss potential collaborations. 

Building these relationships can open up opportunities for mutual promotion and backlinking in the future. 

#3 Do You Have a Good Website Structure?

website structure- How to Make Website Rank Higher on Google

A good website structure can attract viewers and keep them occupied with your resources. Creating a well-structured website helps users navigate your content effectively and improves your website’s search engine optimization (SEO). 

a) Simplicity and intuitiveness

The more straightforward and more intuitive your website structure, the easier it is for users to find what they’re looking for. Ideally, all crucial pages should be accessible within three clicks from the homepage.

b) Logical hierarchy

Create a clear and logical page hierarchy based on the content’s importance and categories. This should start with broad categories that become increasingly specific as users navigate deeper into the site.

c) Consistent navigation

Your navigation menu should be consistently placed and styled across all pages of your site, making it easy for users to move around your website.

d) URL structure

Good URL structure improves usability and SEO. URLs should be short, descriptive, and include keywords relevant to the page’s content.

e) Mobile optimization

With mobile web traffic accounting for 54.8% of global web traffic in the first quarter of 2021 (Statista), ensuring your website structure is optimized for mobile devices is critical. A mobile-friendly site improves user experience for a significant portion of your audience and positively impacts SEO.

f) Use of breadcrumbs

Use of breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs are navigational aids that show users their current location in the context of the website’s hierarchy. They improve user experience and can contribute to SEO.

g) SEO-Friendly sitemap

A well-organized sitemap that is submitted to search engines helps them index your site more effectively. It should reflect the structure and hierarchy of your site.

h) Load speed

According to Google, as page load time goes from one to three seconds, the probability of bounce increases 32%. Thus, ensuring quick load times is essential for user retention and SEO. Check out the reasons behind slow page load time.

i) 404 pages

A custom 404 page that guides users back to a working page on your site can greatly improve user experience.

Keep in mind that a well-structured website aims to enhance the user experience. The more accessible users navigate your site and find what they’re looking for, the more likely they are to stay, explore, and convert.

#4 How Many Internal Links Should You Add in a Single Content? 

Per content, not less than 3 and more than 5 is the best implementation for internal links. Here are some things you can consider while adding internal links to your content, 

  • Always ensure that the internal links you add are relevant to the content context.
  • Be mindful of your anchor text – the clickable text in a hyperlink. It should be descriptive and give an idea of what the linked page is about.
  • Links higher up in the content may carry more weight than those further down.
  • Adding 1 internal link per 7-8 paragraphs is the best practice. 
  • Adding links in the natural flow of the content is another best practice. 
  • Consider how each link will benefit the user – will it provide them with more detailed information on a topic? Will it guide them to a related topic of interest?

#5 When Did You Last Update Your Content? 

You can regularly upload content on your site, but have you ever thought about updating a 3-month-old content? Updating old content is as crucial as uploading new contents. 

Revising and refreshing old content is pivotal for maintaining a dynamic and valuable online presence. It helps to ensure that your information remains current and reliable. 

In fast-changing industries, dated content may lose relevance and misinform your audience, undermining your credibility as a trusted resource.

Moreover, freshness matters because search engines like Google appreciate recently updated content and are more likely to rank it higher in their top 10 results. 

Not only does refreshing content give search engines new data to crawl and index, but it also provides an opportunity to optimize for the latest keyword trends, helping you stay competitive and attract more organic traffic.

Try to update your old contents regularly, so you can impact them like new uploaded content. 

#6 Are Your Contents Fulfilling the Keyword Search Intents? 

Search intent or user intent is a term that implicates the purpose of a search result. Google analyzes content, and if it fulfills the search intent, it should get a higher rank than its competitors. 

There are 4 types of search intent, 

  1. Informational: The user wants to learn about a specific topic. 
  2. Navigational: Viewers are urged to reach a particular site on the web.  
  3. Transactional: They want to buy something or finish a transaction. 
  4. Commercial investigation: Reader wants to compare products or services before making a purchase

Analyzing your keyword’s Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) can provide a clear idea of the search intent. If blog posts dominate the top results, the intent is likely informational. 

Conversely, if product pages prevail, the intent is transactional. The types of content ranking high give valuable insights into what users anticipate when using your keyword.

Once you’ve deciphered the search intent, it’s time to create corresponding content. This could be a comprehensive blog post for informational intent, or optimized product pages for transactional purpose. 

Your title tag, meta description, and URL should include your keyword and clearly indicate what your content is about. It helps search engines understand your content and can improve your click-through rate from the SERPs.

#7 Have You followed the Updated 2023 On-Page SEO Tactics? 

How to Improve Website Crawlability and Indexability

SEO constantly changes, so its methods evolve to the visitors’ needs. Below, we shared the top trending ongoing SEO tricks you can follow in 2023.

a) User experience (UX) optimization

Google’s Core Web Vitals update has made UX a significant ranking factor. Prioritize site speed, interactivity, and visual stability on your website.

b) Mobile-first indexing

With most users accessing the web via mobile devices, ensure your site is mobile-friendly. Google primarily uses the mobile version of a site for indexing and ranking.

c) Voice search optimization

With the rise of smart speakers and voice assistants, optimizing for voice search is more important than ever. Incorporate conversational keywords and phrases into your content.

d) Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)

AI and ML are playing an increasing role in SEO. Tools like Google’s RankBrain help to better understand user behavior and intent.

e) E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness)

Google values E-A-T. Demonstrate your expertise and credibility by providing accurate, up-to-date, and valuable content.

f) Semantic SEO

Understand and implement semantic SEO, focusing on topics and clusters of related content, rather than individual keywords.

g) Video SEO

Optimizing your video content is crucial as video content continues to rise. Include relevant keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and tags.

h) Structured data and schema markup

Implementing structured data and schema markup can help search engines better understand your content and can lead to rich results in SERPs.

i) Local SEO

For businesses serving a local market, local SEO is essential. Ensure your business appears in local search results and your Google My Business listing is up to date.

#8 Is Your Content Helping the Visitors of Your Website?


In creating content that is truly helpful for others, keeping a few key principles in mind is essential. First and foremost, ensure that you focus on your audience’s needs and interests. 

You can tailor your content to address their concerns by understanding their challenges and desires. Use the second person often, as it creates a more personal connection with the reader, making them feel like you are speaking directly to them.

Maintaining a professional tone is crucial for establishing credibility, like presenting information clearly and concisely and using simple sentences to enhance understanding. 

Avoid unnecessary jargon or technical terms that may confuse or alienate your readers. Instead, strive for clarity and accessibility, making complex ideas easy to grasp. Most important is adding appropriate and correct information so they don’t have to rely on other sites. 

Are These Strategies Enough to Rank on the 1st Page of Google? 

If you can execute all these strategies on your website and continuously improve them within 3 months, you can definitely get your pages on the first 10 results in Google SERP. Now, you only need patience to see how these techniques bring success. From now on, don’t work hard; just work smart! 

Please let us know if you have any other questions, suggestions, or comments. Your valuable feedback means a lot to us. 

Have a good day! 

4 thoughts on “Mastering the Art of Google Rankings: 7+ Strategies to Drive Targeted Traffic to Your Website ”

  1. Mastering in Google ranking is quite hard but your content convinced me to believe that it’s possible for everyone who follow the tactic properly.

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