understanding google’s e-a-t for seo

Understanding Google’s E-A-T: A Complete Guide on The Hidden Ingredient of Successful SEO

Yep, you can E-A-T your website! What I mean is you can gain expertise, establish website authoritativeness, and build trustworthiness from your visitors. 

Google first introduced the E-A-T concept back in 2014, and added this term to their Search Quality Rating Guidelines. Even Google states it’s a crucial SEO factor responsible for ranking millions of websites daily. 

Let’s start understanding Google’s E-A-T more and how its strategy works. What are its possibilities? And every nitty-gritty detail in a simplified manner. 

We will not leave a single piece of knowledge behind! 

What is Google’s E-A-T? 

What a fascinating concept, a pivotal piece in the vast jigsaw puzzle of SEO. It’s like the secret sauce to an extraordinary recipe, giving that perfect flavor blend to the dish of search engine success. E-A-T stands for ExpertiseAuthoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. They’re the three pillars Google uses to evaluate your website, the criteria that help determine whether your site has what it takes to be a valuable resource for internet users.

What is Google’s E-A-T

By analyzing the 3 different pillars, we can understand Google E-A-T more briefly. 

i) Expertise

When we’re talking about expertise in Google’s E-A-T, we’re talking about the depth and breadth of knowledge presented in your content. But it goes beyond just ‘knowing your stuff’ – it’s about conveying that knowledge effectively to your audience.

Consider yourself in the audience’s shoes. When you search for something, you want answers from a source that not only knows their subject matter inside out but can also communicate it in a way you can understand and engage with. 

For example, if you run a fitness blog, the expertise would be demonstrated through well-researched, in-depth articles about various workout techniques or nutritional advice, preferably written by or in collaboration with certified fitness experts. The information should be accurate, up-to-date, and conveyed so that even a layperson can comprehend and put it to use.

But remember, expertise isn’t just about formal qualifications or degrees. It’s also about practical, real-world experience. A personal finance blog might be authored by a financial planner with a fancy degree or written by someone who’s learned through years of personal experience managing budgets and investments.

Both can showcase expertise but in different ways. A certified professional might leverage their formal training, while an experienced individual might offer practical insights, personal stories, and tried-and-true tips that resonate with readers.

In a nutshell, expertise in E-A-T means proving that you’re qualified to provide the information you are. It’s about ensuring your audience that you’ve got the knowledge and skills they’re looking for and can deliver it in a way that’s valuable to them.

ii) Authoritativeness

Picture yourself at a conference with multiple speakers. While all of them might be knowledgeable, there are some whose words carry particular weight. Why? Because they’ve earned a level of respect in their field. That, my friend, is authoritativeness.

In the digital realm, Google’s algorithms try to identify the same quality in websites. Authoritativeness means your website is recognized as a reliable source of information that others in your niche look to for guidance or reference. It’s a signal that you’re not just knowledgeable but that your expertise is acknowledged and valued by others in your industry.

Consider a tech review website. Authoritativeness would be demonstrated by other prominent tech websites or forums referencing its content or reviews. Being quoted or linked by such well-regarded sources indicates that the website’s insights have that high value, thereby enhancing your authoritativeness.

iii) Trustworthiness

Trustworthiness can work as the bridge that connects your website’s expertise and authoritativeness to your audience. Knowing your stuff and being recognized for it is one thing, but it’s only worthwhile if your audience trusts you. 

So, knowing how safe and reliable your audience perceives your website to be is essential. It’s about creating an environment where users feel confident that the information they receive is accurate, secure, and respectful of their privacy.

For example, you can imagine a store with high-quality digital products and a knowledgeable salesperson. But if you notice that the store is messy, the return policy is vague, or the salesperson isn’t transparent about the prices, you’d likely hesitate to make a purchase, and like you, I would never buy from them. Feeling fishy and distrustful! 

The same thing can be said for a website’s data security, policies, information accuracy, and being open about the people behind the developers. 

As a Ranking Factor, How Crucial is E-A-T in 2023? 

How to Make Website Rank Higher on Google

In 2023, E-A-T has evolved from being a recommended guideline to a crucial lighthouse guiding the ship of SEO. If SEO is an orchestra, E-A-T would be the conductor, setting the pace and guiding each instrument to create a harmonious symphony. Let’s break this down:

a) Expertise as the new norm

Everyone is an ‘expert in the crowded digital space.’ But true expertise stands out. It’s the backbone of your content, the weight behind your words. For instance, if you’re running a food blog, detailed recipes with unique tips, clear step-by-step instructions, and insights from a professional chef would enhance your expertise.

b) Authority builds influence

Authority isn’t just about being heard; it’s about being referenced being respected. If other well-regarded sites in your niche link to your content or cite your insights, that’s a strong signal of your authority. Take, for example, a business strategy site. If its articles are frequently referenced by other industry leaders or in business school curriculums, that enhances its authoritativeness.

c) Trust is the currency of the internet

Trust isn’t given; it’s earned. A secure website, clear privacy policies, accurate and updated content, and positive user experiences build trust. Consider an e-commerce platform. A secure payment gateway, transparent return policies, and prompt customer service would foster trustworthiness.

d) Aligning with Google’s mission

Google’s goal is to ‘organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.’ When you focus on E-A-T, you’re aligning your website with this mission. You’re not just doing SEO; you’re enhancing your content’s quality, relevance, and usefulness.

e) Future-proofing your SEO

Google’s algorithm updates are notoriously unpredictable, but one thing is clear – Google values E-A-T. By focusing on these principles, you’re improving your SEO today and future-proofing it for updates down the line.

7 Best Tips to Increase Your E-A-T in Your Website

Best Tips to Increase Your E-A-T in Your Website

It’s time to know how to influence your website’s E-A-T

i. Showcase your expertise

Content is king, and expertise is its crown. So, create high-quality content that is well-researched, comprehensive, and shows your awareness of that topic. For instance, if your website is about digital marketing, regularly publish in-depth guides, case studies, or tutorials demonstrating your deep understanding of the field. You can showcase your expertise for your website in many different ways. 

1. Quality content is the core

First and foremost, your content needs to be top-notch. This means well-researched, accurate, and comprehensive content that covers topics in-depth. It’s best not to skim the surface of any content; instead, write detailed guides on composting, present case studies, or do in-depth analyses. 

2. Unique insights 

Anyone can compile information, but you can offer unique insights as an expert. This could be personal experiences, advanced techniques, or innovative perspectives.

3. Clear Communication

Expertise isn’t just about knowing your stuff; it’s about conveying it effectively. Your content should be well-structured and easy to understand, even for beginners. Use simple language, clear explanations, and illustrative examples. 

If you’re a financial advisor writing about investment strategies, make sure your explanations are clear enough for someone new to investing to understand.

ii. Leverage author bios

Sometimes, knowing a person can make a difference in the outlook of your entire website. Take me for an example; after I finish reading any content, I have a habit of checking author bios to see if the person is qualified or has enough experience to provide the information. It’s like my mind is coded to get this information to justify the website’s legitimacy. I can bet, it’s not just me; many other readers want to know about the content author. So, how can you provide a perfect author bio? 

1. Highlight qualifications and experience

Author bios should ideally include the writer’s relevant qualifications, experience, and areas of expertise. This not only gives credit to the author but also reinforces the credibility of your content.

2. Link to professional profiles

Where possible, link to the author’s professional profiles, such as LinkedIn or a personal website. This allows readers to further verify the author’s credentials and learn more about their work.

3. Personal touch

A small personal detail, like a hobby or a unique interest, can make the author more relatable to readers, fostering a stronger connection and enhancing trustworthiness.

iii. Build quality backlinks

Undoubtedly, in 2023, building backlinks is one of the hardest to achieve and requires incredible outreach performance to attain. But, if you try hard enough and don’t give up until the end, you can convince other well-recognized brands to give their backlinks. 

You can follow the same old methods, 

  • Create content so well that others want to link to it.
  • In guest posting, you can write articles for other websites in your field. 
  • You can just collaborate straight with the experts or businesses in your field on projects, interviews, joint research, or events. 

Also Read: Rank Your Website Higher in Google with the Latest 8 Techniques

iv. Build a positive online reputation

check security of a website

Building a positive online reputation is like creating an art piece in a public space – everyone can see your progress, and the final result speaks volumes about you. Here’s how you can sculpt your masterpiece of a positive online reputation:

1. Stellar customer service

Picture this – a customer has a query and gets an instant, helpful response. That’s a stroke of paint for your positive reputation. Deliver exceptional customer service. Respond promptly, resolve issues effectively, and always maintain a polite and professional tone.

2. Earn positive reviews

Imagine a wall filled with glowing reviews from satisfied customers. This is a powerful testament to your reputation. Encourage customers to leave reviews. For example, if you sell eco-friendly products, ask happy customers to share their experiences on your website or social media platforms.

3. Be transparent with your website

Let’s add some unique textures to your artwork with transparency. Be open about your business practices, policies, and values. This transparency helps build trust with your audience.

4. Consistent online presence

Consistency is like the frame that holds your art piece together. Maintain a consistent presence across different platforms, regularly update your content, and stay responsive. 

v. Ensure website security

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Website security is like the sturdy lock on your home’s front door. It protects everything inside – in this case, your content, customer data, and reputation. In the landscape of E-A-T, this is a key part of ‘Trustworthiness.’


HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is the padlock icon in the address bar, signifying a secure connection. Ensure your website uses HTTPS, not just HTTP. This encrypts the data transferred between a user’s browser and your website, protecting it from being intercepted.

2. Regular updates

Just as you would upgrade your home security system, keep your website platform, themes, and plugins updated. These updates often include security patches to protect against new threats.

3. Establish strong firewalls

Implement a Web Application Firewall (WAF) to serve as your website’s first defense against common attacks like SQL injection and cross-site scripting.

4. Strong passwords

Encourage using strong, unique passwords among your team and for any user accounts on your site. This is like having a unique key for each person in your house.

5. Regularly backup your website 

Regular backups are your safety net. In the event of a security breach or data loss, backups allow you to restore your website quickly.

6. Secure payment gateways

If you’re an e-commerce website, use secure and trusted payment gateways. This ensures the safe processing of customer transactions, and it’s a crucial part of building trust with your customers.

vi. Keep your content up-to-date

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When it comes to maintaining the buoyancy of your digital presence, keeping your content up-to-date is akin to constantly refreshing a storefront, enticing onlookers and inviting returning patrons. In the context of Google’s E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness), this underscores your sustained ‘Expertise.’

Consider the importance of regular content reviews. By dedicating time to revisit and update your content, you’re conducting routine maintenance, ensuring everything remains in prime condition. It’s like a store owner making sure their goods are in order and their display appealing to passersby.

Just as store owners must keep track of their stock, you must ensure statistical information in your content is current. Outdated numbers or obsolete research findings can damage your credibility, akin to a store selling last season’s merchandise at this season’s prices.

And don’t neglect your older blog posts. Think of them as vintage items that retain their value but may require some work to shine. Update them with fresh information, swap new images, or add insights.

vii. Engage responsibly with your audience


Engaging responsibly with your audience is like hosting a town hall meeting. You set the tone, encourage interaction, but always ensure the conversation is respectful and beneficial. Here’s how you can foster this kind of engagement:

1. Active listening

Pay attention to your audience’s feedback, questions, and concerns. Address them thoughtfully and promptly. It’s like giving the floor to each person who raises their hand at your meeting.

2. Thoughtful responses

Craft your responses carefully. Ensure they’re professional, polite, and helpful. This is like addressing your audience with a well-prepared speech, making each word count.

3. Open dialogue

Encourage open discussions on your platforms. This demonstrates your willingness to hear diverse opinions and fosters a sense of community. It’s akin to passing around a microphone, letting everyone have their say.

4. Respect privacy

Always respect your audience’s privacy. Avoid sharing personal information without consent. This builds trust, akin to ensuring confidentiality in a meeting.

5. Promote positive interaction

Encourage positivity in your interactions. This helps maintain a respectful and constructive community. Imagine setting ground rules for respectful discussion at your meeting.

Monitor and Moderate: Keep an eye on the conversations happening on your platforms. Moderate if needed to ensure discussions remain respectful and on-topic. It’s like ensuring your meeting stays focused and productive.

FAQs on Understanding Google’s E-A-T for SEO

What are the 4 core SEO ranking factors?

The 4 core SEO ranking factors are, 

  • Content – High-quality, relevant, and original content has always been a crucial ranking factor. 
  • Backlinks – Backlinks, or incoming links from other websites to your site, have long been an important ranking signal.
  • On-Page Optimization: On-page optimization involves optimizing various elements on your website to improve its visibility in search results.
  • User Experience: User experience (UX) has gained significant importance as a ranking factor. 

How can I check my Google E-A-T score?

It’s important to note that E-A-T is not a publicly visible or quantifiable score assigned by Google to individual websites. Instead, it is a concept used to evaluate the overall quality and credibility of content and websites.

Which is why you can’t see your E-A-T score, because it doesn’t exist. However, you can guess a good E-A-T implementation by witnessing the above points in a website.

Why is CTR a ranking factor?

Well, CTR indirectly influences rankings because it indicates user satisfaction and engagement. 

A higher click-through rate means your content and ad is appealing to users, which can lead to improved rankings. Additionally, search engines use CTR data to refine their algorithms and provide better results, making it a perfect ranking factor. 

What is technical SEO?

Technical SEO involves optimizing the technical aspects of a website to improve its visibility in search engine rankings. It includes tasks like improving website crawling, enhancing site speed and performance, ensuring mobile-friendliness, optimizing site structure, managing duplicate content, implementing structured data, and more. 

By Now, You should be able to Grasp the E-A-T Concept 

In SEO, understanding Google’s E-A-T isn’t just an option—it’s your ticket to staying relevant, valuable, and visible in the ever-evolving digital world. Like a chef’s recipe, your digital presence blends Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. Showcasing expertise through quality content, building authoritativeness with a strong online presence, and ensuring trustworthiness with secure website practices are key to SEO success.

One thing to remember is it’s a marathon, not a sprint. Incremental changes, consistent updates, and engaging with your audience meaningfully can make a big difference over time. Treat your digital presence like a living, breathing entity that needs constant nourishment.

So, are you ready to step up your game, enhance your E-A-T, and take your digital presence to new heights? Your SEO journey begins here, and it’s definitely going to be a rewarding one.

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