How to Monetize Your Free WordPress Blog

How to Monetize Your Free WordPress Blog? 7 Tips for Blog Monetization in 2023 

Website monetization can be described as turning your existing traffic into revenue. The more traffic you have, the better the chances of reaching a valued amount of capital you can earn through this system. 

Earning money through blogging or a website is one of the most searched terms and holds a record-breaking 397+ results in Google. Almost 90% of website owners (except for portfolios) want to get value from site traffic. 

For that purpose, blogging is a great business opportunity to bring you a handful of revenue. But, you also consider the cost of having domain renewal, security service charges, premium plugin services, and hosting provider charges can be expensive. That’s why having a monetized website can help you make these costs affordable and maintain a sustainable earning system. 

In this guide, we will explore how you can build a fantastic blog site that can guarantee you monetization and earn revenue. Keep on reading to learn the secrets of website monetization, 

Is Organic Website Monetization Difficult in 2023? 

While it’s true that organic website monetization in 2023 has its share of challenges, it’s possible. The digital landscape is crowded, but it’s also full of opportunities for those willing to put in the effort.

Well, let’s talk about the competitive nature of the online world. Big players and new entrants are vying for the same audience, but remember, there’s still room for everyone. Quality content and a well-executed SEO strategy can help you break through the noise and reach your target audience.

As for changing user behavior, yes, more people are using ad blockers and skipping past ads, but that means you can get creative. Think of other ways to engage your audience, such as offering valuable content or unique experiences they can’t get anywhere else.

On the technical side, it’s understandable that keeping up with algorithm changes and implementing advanced features can feel overwhelming. But you’re not alone. There are plenty of resources and professionals out there who can guide you through the technical maze.

Regarding regulatory hurdles like GDPR and CCPA, while they do add an extra layer of complexity, they’re also making the online space more transparent and user-friendly. As long as you respect your users’ privacy, these regulations shouldn’t hinder your ability to monetize your website successfully.

So, while the landscape is challenging, it’s also ripe with opportunities for those willing to adapt and innovate. You’ve got this.

How Does Website Monetization Usually Work? 

How Does Website Monetization Usually Work

To have an effective monetization approach, you must understand that monetization is more than earning money. There are 4 initial steps that Google takes to monetize a website. 

i) Apply to Google AdSense 

First, you need to apply to the Google AdSense program. You’ll provide information about your website, including its URL and some personal or business details. You’ll also need to agree to Google’s policies and terms.

ii) Eligibility criteria

Your website must meet Google’s eligibility criteria, which generally include-

  • Your content must be unique, valuable and adhere to Google’s content policies.
  • You must own the domain.
  • The website should have a certain level of traffic (although specific numbers are not published).
  • Your website must not contain prohibited content, such as adult material, violent content, or hate speech.

iii) Review process

Once you’ve applied, Google will review your website to ensure it meets their guidelines. They may crawl your website and check various pages to ensure you comply with their policies.

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iv) Policy compliance

Your website and content should comply with Google’s AdSense Program policies, which include rules about the kind of content you can publish and how you interact with users. Non-compliance can result in denial or termination from the program.

v) Approval and integration

If your application is approved, you’ll receive instructions on integrating AdSense code into your website. This will allow Google to start displaying ads on your site.

vi) Continuous monitoring

After you’re approved, Google continues to monitor your site to ensure ongoing compliance with their policies. You may be notified and asked to change if a violation is found, or your account may be suspended.

Remember, Google aims to offer a pleasant and safe user experience through its advertising network. So, the selection process is designed to ensure that your website aligns with these goals. 

While there are a lot of hoops to jump through, these steps are in place to maintain a high-quality network that benefits advertisers, publishers, and users alike.

7 Ways to Naturally Monetize Your Website in 2023 

how to Monetize Your Free WordPress Blog

If you’re looking to monetize your free WordPress blog, you have many options. Each monetization technique has its unique benefits and considerations, making it crucial to choose the right strategy for your audience and content. After reading the below ways we hope you will get your answer on how to monetize your free WordPress blog.

a. Earn money through custom search engine

Implementing a custom search engine on your site can serve dual purposes: it improves user experience and allows you to earn revenue. Search engines like Google offer custom search options that you can integrate into your site, earning you money when visitors make search queries or click on ads within the search results.

You can create a custom Google search engine via these instructions, 

  • Visit the Google Custom Search Engine Page and sign in.
  • Click on “Create a custom search engine.”
  • Enter your website’s URL.
  • Configure settings.
  • Click “Get Code” to generate HTML code.
  • Embed the HTML code into your website.
  • Test the search engine to ensure it’s working.

b. Start an affiliate marketing program

Affiliate marketing goes beyond just putting up links on your website. It involves partnering with companies that align well with your blog’s subject matter. The closer the fit, the more likely your audience will trust your recommendations. 

This method requires ongoing effort, such as tracking conversions and optimizing strategy, but it provides a significant potential income source tied to your blog’s content and audience.

c. Sponsored blog post sounds great

Sponsored blog posts are not just a one-off income opportunity; they can become long-term partnerships with reputable brands. For the sponsoring companies, it’s an excellent way for them to tap into your audience. 

For you, it’s a chance to earn and introduce your readers to products or services they might find helpful. Always ensure the sponsored content aligns with your blog to maintain credibility.

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d. Earn via Google PPC advertisement

Using Google AdSense, PPC ads can be a consistent source of revenue if done right. The key is optimizing your website layout to make ads non-intrusive and relevant. Google algorithms are smart enough to display ads relevant to your users, thus increasing click-through rates and potential earnings. Over time, as your audience grows, so can your AdSense revenue.

e. Offer membership for premium contents

The membership model creates a more personalized experience for your users. It allows you to offer specialized content your general audience might not see, making the paying members feel exclusive. This generates steady revenue and will enable you to tailor more specific content based on the interests and needs of your premium users.

f. Accept guest posts

While accepting guest posts may be a quick way to generate content and revenue, caution is advised. Ensuring the content is relevant and valuable to your readers should be a priority.

Develop guidelines and criteria for all guest posts, including relevance, originality, and quality. High-quality posts will enhance your blog’s reputation, while poor-quality submissions can dilute your brand.

g. Sell freelance services

Offering freelance services via your blog can open multiple revenue channels. It’s not just about the direct income from the freelance work; it’s also about showcasing your expertise in a given field. Your blog posts serve as a portfolio, and the quality of your work attracts potential clients. 

Over time, as you build a client list, you can even elevate your rates, making this a scalable income stream.

7 Crucial SEO Elements to Improve Your Website Monetization Chances 


You will need to work a lot to make your WordPress website monetized, but consider using techniques that can ease that process. As Carl Barks said 

  • “Work Smarter, Not harder” 

1. High-quality content

The foundation of any SEO strategy is high-quality content. When your blog posts are rich, informative, and engaging, you naturally attract a larger audience. Offering value is the cornerstone of customer trust and increased dwell time, both metrics that search engines love.

2. Keyword research and optimization

The right keyword strategy is like a roadmap to online visibility. By conducting meticulous keyword research and strategically implementing these terms within your content, you ensure that your blog speaks the language of your target audience and search engines.

3. Mobile-friendly design

In an increasingly mobile world, it’s non-negotiable that your blog should be optimized for mobile devices. A user-friendly, mobile-responsive design improves user engagement and earns you favor in Google’s ranking algorithm.

4. Fast page load speed

A sluggish website is a conversion killer. Optimizing your site for speed keeps your visitors engaged and lowers bounce rates. It’s not just about user experience—fast page load speed is a parameter that search engines actively reward.

5. Backlink strategy

High-quality backlinks are like endorsements from the web community. They validate your site’s credibility and trustworthiness, two factors that are crucial for high search engine rankings. A well-executed backlink strategy can propel your site to the top of search results and make monetization far more achievable.

6. On-page SEO elements

Don’t overlook the nitty-gritty. On-page elements like meta descriptions, titles, and headers communicate vital information about your blog’s content to search engines. By optimizing these components, you create a clearer path for search engines to understand and rank your content.

7. User experience and engagement metrics

Lastly, metrics like bounce rate and time on site provide invaluable insights into user experience. High engagement metrics indicate a better user experience and signal to search engines that your site is a valuable resource worth ranking higher.


Can I monetize my content on Google?

Yes, you can monetize your content through Google using programs such as Google AdSense, which allows you to display targeted advertisements on your website. AdSense provides a reliable way to generate income by displaying text, images, and even video ads that are relevant to your site’s content and audience. 

Moreover, Google’s robust analytics tools enable you to track your performance and optimize for better revenue.

Can Facebook, YouTube, and Google content be monetized in the same?

No, content monetization is quite distinct across these platforms. Facebook uses Ad Breaks and in-stream ads, allowing creators to earn money by inserting short ads into their video content. 

On the other hand, YouTube relies on Google AdSense and additional revenue streams like Super Chat, channel memberships, and merchandise shelf. Google mostly leverages AdSense for monetization. Each platform has its own set of rules, eligibility criteria, and payout mechanisms, making them unique avenues for content monetization.

Is it possible to monetize a YouTube channel before 1000 subscribers?

Unfortunately, you cannot monetize your YouTube channel unless you meet the eligibility requirements set by the YouTube Partner Program. You need at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the last 12 months. These stringent criteria ensure that only committed and serious content creators are rewarded. However, you can still earn money through external sponsorships or merchandise, although these are not part of YouTube’s official monetization program.

Can I monetize my website without AdSense?

Yes, you have various other options besides Google AdSense for website monetization. For instance, you can engage in affiliate marketing by partnering with brands and earning commissions for sales made through your referral links. Sponsored posts are another avenue where companies pay you to create promotional content. 

Additionally, you can sell digital or physical products directly through your website. Each of these alternatives gives you more control over the type of monetization you choose, making them worthwhile options.

How much revenue can you earn from Google PPC?

The amount of revenue you can earn through Google PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising via Google AdSense varies widely. Factors such as your website’s niche, the geographical location of your audience, and the relevance of the ads all play a role. 

The average Cost-Per-Click (CPC) in Google’s ad network ranges between $1 to $2, but this can go up significantly for competitive industries. It’s essential to continually monitor and tweak your ad settings and placements for optimal earnings.

So, What’s Holding You Back from Earning? 

Let’s tie this all together: when monetizing your free WordPress blog, you need to understand one thing: diversification is the key. Like in any business, relying on a single revenue stream is risky and could cap your income potential. 

It’s not about putting all your eggs in the Google AdSense basket or focusing solely on affiliate marketing. It’s about leveraging multiple opportunities that align with your content and audience to create a well-rounded, profitable blog.

Next up, you’ve got to treat this like a business. And in business, you need data and insights to make informed decisions. So, track your metrics, understand your audience behavior, and optimize your strategies accordingly. 

The beauty of digital marketing is that everything is measurable. Use analytics to tweak and refine your monetization methods for maximum profitability. This isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it gig; it’s an ongoing process that demands attention to detail.

Finally, always keep sight of your most valuable asset: your audience. A monetization strategy is only as good as the value it provides to your readers. Balance your revenue-generating tactics with high-quality content that resonates with your audience. Remember, monetization isn’t the end goal; it’s the byproduct of creating valuable, compelling content. Get that right, and the financial rewards will follow.

Best of luck! 

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