Elementor Image Carousel Autoplay not working: Fix Within 2 Minutes

Image Carousel widget is the window to show off your website’s testimonials. It’s undeniable that the image carousel plays a crucial role in exposing your recent vlogs, content, etc. But these widgets are not free from glitches. The most common case is suddenly “Elementor Image Carousel Autoplay not working.”

The accidental death of a widget might shock you. But we are here to help you. We have featured the quickest hacks to fix your image carousel widgets in this article. Let’s read!

Reason Behind Image Carousel Not Working

Reason Behind Image Carousel Not working

There are several factors that can cause your image carousel to sit idle. We have figured out the following factors as the most crucial. Here goes:

1. Code Conflict 

Sometimes the codes conflict with each other. This leads your carousel not to work properly. In that case, images are not displayed smoothly or do not display at all.

2. Space in the Filename

There are specific rules to set the images in the image carousel. In the file name, there shouldn’t be any space. If your file name has a space, it will prohibit the carousel from working.

3. Different File Size

The file size should have equal harmony. In that case, if you use different file sizes, this will be the possible reason for your elementor image carousel autoplay not working.

How to Fix Elementor Image Carousel Autoplay not working: Most Effective Hacks

How to Fix Elementor Image Carousel Autoplay not working

Many glitches can distract your elementor image carousel from working. Considering all the possible aspects, we have figured out the following solution. Go and get yours.

1. Uninstall all Plugins Except Elementor

To identify the defective plugin, you have to deactivate all the remaining plugins except the Elementor. Keep uninstalling one by one until you get the desired one, causing the main problem.

 Uninstall all Plugins Except Elementor

2. Switch to Other Default Wallpaper Theme

Sometimes the wallpaper itself is the main reason behind your image carousel not acting correctly. Change your Wallpaper theme switch to other wallpaper default themes.

3. Fix the Codes

There is temporary tech support by CSS which may help you. To get this run the following code:

/* Temporary fix for Jetpack CSS conflict with Elementor Slides & Carousel widgets */
selector .swiper-container{
   width: 100%;

4. Custom Height and Width

To fix your image carousel, follow the algorithm. Since the elementor likes custom height and width, change the following attributes according to the elementors logic.

Best Carousel Plugins

There are several plugins that may help the user to work with your images and blogs. But we have picked the following three on the basis of their effectiveness and users satisfaction.

Fast Carousel for Elementor

1. Multimedia Carousel

Multimedia Carousel comes in two versions. With this plugin, you can set the dimension and width of your file. Moreover, the perspective version can be fixed for a video or audio gallery.

2. Fast Carousel for Elementor

The fast Carousel plugin is well known for its responsiveness. It comes with different gallery options. The best thing about this plugin is selecting the number of images you want to show up on your slider. In addition, you can customize the colors of each carousel.

3. All in One Slider

All in one slider WordPress plugin is good with options. It offers multiple plugins such as banner rotator, thumbnail banner, banner with playlist, etc. In addition, it supports platforms such as Youtube, Vimeo, and HTML5 videos as well.

Preliminary Steps to Use Image Carousel

Preliminary Steps to Use Image Carousel

Image Carousel is one of the most accessible tools to work with. You can install this widget for free. Here we have featured the basic steps to make your experience with the image carousel much easier.

1. Activate Image Carousel Widget

To activate your image carousel widget on elementor, start the absolute addons plugin and go to the Absolute Addons>Widgets. There you will find the one you need.

2. Set the Outlook of Your Widget

Now it’s time to set the outlook of your image carousel window. Choose your preferred navigation from the available options. Set the style and gradient as well.

3. Add Image Overlay Color

Go to the image overlay menu and set your uploaded content’s background color and opacity level.


Question 1: Why is the Elementor Slide not Responsive?

Answer: This issue can be fixed in several ways. It depends on the device you are using. To fix that run the following codes:

.elementor-slides .swiper-slide-bg{ background-size: 100%;

background-position: center; }

Question 2: My Elementor Media Carousel Not Working, What to Do?

Answer: There might be several reasons why your media carousel is not working. But you can try deactivating all of your plugins except the element. This will find out the problematic one.

Question 3: How to Add an Elementor Carousel with Button?

Answer: To do that, build your slider with 2 buttons as a template and insert the required code you want to run.


Depending on your device, There might be several reasons behind why your Elementor Image Carousel Autoplay not working. To help you, we have featured all the possible solutions that might solve your problem. If you are still struggling with your image widget, go to an expert. We hope this information will help you to get your way. Happy browsing!

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