Does elementor slow down your site

Does Elementor Slow Down Your Site? Let’s Find the Truth

When Elementor hit the scene, it had taken the WordPress industry by storm. In no time it reached 5+ million active installations. It quickly became one of the popular page builders. 

Although the service for WordPress offers a lot to like, such as easy-to-use features and a very intuitive interface, one often wonders if more features result in poor performance. 

That is why people who are using Elementor and will be using it asks this question many times, “does Elementor Slow down your site?”

The answer is NO!. Elementor does not slow down your website. The platform’s features, which can help any WordPress user easily produce unique, original sites, don’t have an adverse effect on your site’s speed.

Given the feature list, the information might seem incorrect. But, we can safely say that the features don’t affect your website speed. Rather you can select Elementor for lots of reason that will help you realize that it doesn’t slow down your website but improves it. 

Before listing the reasons why should you use Elementor, here are some purposes for slow downing your site. 

3 Common Causes of a Slow Site

Your website speed is valuable for visitors to keep them. Check out the basic reasons for your site to slow down-

1. Using free/ shared hosting

Free/Shared Hosting

Basic factors like memory, bandwidth, the location of the server in relation to the user, and so on have a major impact on site speed. Free or shared hosting services are often the cause of a slow site.

2. Unoptimized videos and images

It is a basic rule when you upload any media files on your site make sure you optimize it carefully. Any image you place inside your site slows it down, especially if the image is placed in areas that are always loaded like the header and footer. Always make sure you upload images that are not too big.

3. External scripts

External Scripts

Any use of external scripts, i.e. Google Maps, Facebook share count, Avatar images, all considerably slow down a page load. You can deactivate Google Fonts, Font Awesome, and icons by adding lines of code.

So, if you are wondering does Elementor Slow down your site? Then you should go and check out these issues before. 

Now you know what does slow down your website. Now let’s see how to speed up your website. 

How to Speed Up Your Elementor Website

How to Speed Up Your Elementor Website

There are many ways you can speed up your Elementor website. But we are going to list the most crucial ones. Here we go, 

  1. Make sure you remove Elementor CSS + JavaScript
  2. Use Less Elementor Widgets + Columns
  3. Don’t overuse the Elementor related plugins
  4. Disable unnecessary plugins and modules
  5. Use Elementor’s Hello Theme
  6. Optimize your site  for Core Web Vitals
  7. Optimize images on your site
  8. Clean Your Database
  9. Disable WooCommerce Scripts, Styles, Cart Fragments
  10. Increase Memory Limit To 256MB.

If you follow these, then you won’t have any issues regarding your website speed. 

Why You Should Use Elementor to Create a Website

a) Elementor is different than any other page builder in the market

Photo Credit:

Elelemntor is versatile unlike any other page builder and that is the biggest difference between them. 

Anyone with or without prior coding knowledge can learn Elementor and build their site in no time. With its drag n drop feature, creating an outline of any page of your website becomes easy. 

However, there are other advantages of using Elementor including, 

  • You will find many shortcuts like n-line text editing in the page builder
  • It is a front-end builder, so every change will be happening in front of you
  • Mobile-friendly and super easy to use
  • You can import templates from third-party providers.

b) Make changes to a page in real-time!

Does Elementor Slow Down Your Site
Photo Credit:

As Elementor is a frontend builder, you can easily see all the changes in real-time. This is opposed to other platforms like WordPress itself, for which you have to save or update any edits before seeing how it looks on your live site.

This will help you cut down the time you might spend on editing. Also, it will allow you to more give attention to the page’s details. Moreover, by reducing the time needed to make changes, you will have a much better idea of what needs to be done in real-time. 

c) Elementor is very user-friendly

Elementor is Very User-Friendly
Photo Credit: Elementor

Yes, Elementor is very easy to use. The interface is very responsive and you will feel it is easy to use than WordPress’s own page builder. 

The widgets are self-explaining and you don’t need to navigate to the elements window to find what you are looking for. Instead, you can just right-click the widget to see what you can do with it.

In-line text editing is just one example of this, but it speaks to how much simpler it is to use the Elementor Page Builder than other plugins or platforms. When clicking on a text box, you’re immediately given options for things like:

  • Alter the content
  • Change the font or text size
  • Add effects like a drop shadow

d) Mobile responsive

Mobile Responsive
Photo Credit: Elementor

When you are editing your page, you can see how the page will look across different platforms. 

When you are spending so much time editing your website to a desktop format, you wouldn’t want to spend as much time doing so for smartphones.

On Elementor, you will find that it will let you set device-specific adjustments. That way instead of finding a single layout that works with each type of device, you can easily toggle between device layouts and determine independent differences.

So, you can see why Elementor is called one of the best page builders in the industry. 

You can also read: How you duplicate a page in WordPress without a plugin


Is Elementor good for speed?

Elementor is one of the fastest website builders for WordPress, as it is written with the strictest code standards. Some websites, that have a configuration that causes slow loading.

Is Elementor bad for SEO?

Installing Elementor can have a negative speed impact which does hurt the SEO of your site. However, the impact it has on speed is only minimal, and a website with Elementor installed can easily be fast-loading enough for any user and for SEO performance.

Also read: How You can Remove Elementor from WordPress

Why is Elementor so bad?

Answer:  The only negative impact of installing Elementor is SEO. Because when installing this plugin it creates more bloat and unnecessary code in the HTML portion of the site’s page. You have already installed themes and plugins, so unnecessary codes will only add to the weight of the website. 

Does Elementor have a cache?

Yes. Also, there is browser caching built-in, that stores static components of your site such as JavaScript, CSS, and images directly on the browser.

When a visitor goes to another page on your Elementor website, this static content doesn’t need to be loaded again.


Hopefully, our guide will clear any confusion about does Elementor Slow down your site?. 

All said and done, Elementor is an incredibly powerful tool that can help anyone design their site, regardless of their level of experience. If you choose this platform then it will let you have a lot of ways to edit your site and make it just the way you imagine it without sacrificing your website’s speed.

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