Can You Assign Multiple Tags to a WordPress Post

Can You Assign Multiple Tags to a WordPress Post?

In WordPress, you can add multiple tags based on your content, its subject, and ongoing trends. Adding tags to a post may look like a simple process, but there is more to this process. 

Like, you can add different product tags, a grid of products with tags, or simply add tag blocks in your main post.

Also, one important detail is where the tag will be positioned depending on what type of theme, plugin, or tool is activated in your WordPress site, letting display these tags on the side, top, or bottom of a post. 

This article will discover how you can assign multiple tags to a WordPress post. 

Let’s get started! 

Assign Multiple Tags Using Tag Meta Box (Posts and Products) 

Adding tags via Meta Box is quite common and pretty easy. You can complete this in a few steps, 

Step 1: Navigate to tags 

In the post you are editing, go to Post and scroll down to the Tags option. 

Step 2: Add the Tags 

Now, you just need to add the necessary tags to match your article. You can separate each tag using commas or pressing the Enter key on your keyboard. Your tags have been added. 

You can preview them in a new window-

Here are the tags we added, 

2 Ways to Add Tags Via Gutenberg Blocks

You can put tags in your post or product directly via Gutenberg blocks! It’s pretty easy and straightforward. 

1. Using post tags 

With this process, you can display tags inside your post. Here’s how it works, 

Step 1: Navigate to categories 

Just like Tags, navigate to Categories and click on Add New Category

Step 2: Add the tag or category 

You can add any category to your post. First, name your category and remember to keep the Parent Category to Parent Category option. After you complete all the necessary information, click Add New Category.  

Your category has been created, 

Now, all you have to do is /tags and add the tag block. It will automatically put all the categories in the paragraph. 

Here are they, it shows the categories you added. 

If you want to show tags, just click on Block and select Tags from the side menu bar. 

2. Using product tags and categories 

With this method, you can add tags and categories on your products. Here’s how you can do it, 

Step 1: Navigate to a product you are editing 

On your product page, scroll down to the Tags and Categories Section. 

Added some tags named “pants”, “trendy”, “men, “unisex”, here they are, 

Step 2: Add tags and categories 

For the tags, after writing one tag, add a comma and press space. You can add as many tags as you want. After putting all the tags, click on Add to input your tags. 

For the categories, click on Add a New Category. Just like before, name your category and remember to keep the Parent Category to Parent Category option. Now, click on Add New Category again. I added a category named “Jeans”.

You can preview this addition from your preview tab, 

The tags and categories were displayed like this on our website

Add Single Tags from the Admin Side Panel 

Do you know instead of adding tags from a single post or product you can add them directly from the admin side panel. This way, you can put tags in multiple posts at once! However, all posts will contain the same tags. 

> For Posts 

You can add tags from this menu, 

On the left side, you will see 3 options 

They are-

  • Name: It’s a term or label that is assigned to represent its primary keyword or phrase, used to categorize the content.
  • Slug: It’s a URL-friendly version of the tag name like for the tag Blue Pants, the Slug will be “blue_pants”
  • Description: You can include a short description for each tag. If you don’t want to include a description, that’s fine. Not including a tag won’t hinder your tag creation. 

After that, click on Add New Tag, and the creation process will be finished. 

For the Categories, it’s pretty much the same process as adding Tags. Just, remember to keep the Parent Category and keep it to None

> For Products

Adding tags and categories for products is pretty much the same as adding them for posts. You just have to know where the navigation options are. 

FAQ on Can You Assign Multiple Tags to a WordPress Post

Is a tag a some type of keyword?

Yep, tags are a type of KW. They can be counted as categorization and organization elements that help users and engines to find and relate to similar posts. 

Why should you use tags?

Tags can help you organize content and make it easier for users to find related posts. They also improve user experience by providing a clear structure and perfecting navigation, keeping visitors on your site longer. 

How can I use #tag?

You can use “#tags” to categorize and group related content, improving your searchability. With searchability improved, users can easily locate your contents by searching them using “#tags.” 

Can tags improve a blog’s SEO?

Yep, tags can improve a blog’s SEO significantly. Because, search engines can find posts that have tags and index faster then the posts without tags. Also, proper usage of tags can help a visitor understand the context and relevance of your content.

How many tags are enough for WordPress blogs? 

Apparently, 5 to 10 relevant tags are considered enough for any type of blog post to maintain searchability without overwhelming the content structure.

Does Putting Tags Make Your Content More Relevant to Readers? 

Yes, Putting tags can significantly enhance content relevance for readers. You can say it creates a butterfly effect, 

like tags help visitors find your content faster > if they like the post, they will stay longer > finally, if your visitors find good information, they will likely bookmark your website for later visits. 

They might be a small element, but they hold a big impact on your blog posts. 

This blog post explored how you can assign multiple tags to a WordPress post. We hope you got all the necessary information you wanted! 

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