best ux design tools

12 Best UX Design Tools for Expert Designers in 2024 (Reviewed Users)

Efficiency in designing will always meet creativity, so having the right UX design tools is crucial if you have an imaginative brain. These tools will support your ingenious and complex ideas. 

Also, UX design demands effective and adaptable tools to the changing needs of users and designers alike. 

In this article, we curated a list based on feedback from those at the forefront of the field. From initial sketches to high-fidelity prototypes, these tools will cover every stage of the design process. 

Let’s get started, 

What Are UX Design Tools? What are the Core Aspects of UX Design?

UX design tools are special programs that help designers build and improve how websites and apps look and work. They let you plan the user’s journey, sketch the basic layout, make interactive models, and check if users find the design easy and enjoyable. This makes sure the final product works well and looks inviting.

When you’re conceptualizing a new app, you might start with a tool like Sketch or Adobe XD to sketch out the initial design. 

As you refine your concept, you could use Figma or InVision for more detailed wireframing (Wireframing involves creating a simplified visual representation or blueprint of a product’s layout and functionality without focusing on aesthetics such as colors, fonts, or images. Wireframes are akin to architectural blueprints, offering a structural view of how content and features are organized on a page) and adding interactive elements to your prototype. 

Tools like Axure RP might come into play for complex interactions, allowing you to simulate the behavior of your design under various scenarios. Finally, usability testing tools like UserTesting or Lookback provide invaluable feedback on how real users interact with your design, enabling you to make data-driven improvements.

Almost all UX design tools will work based on these UX design aspects, 

  • User Research: Gathering insights about your audience’s needs, behaviors, and motivations through techniques like surveys, interviews, and usability testing.
  • Information Architecture (IA): Structuring content and information in a way that makes sense to the user, ensuring they can find what they’re looking for easily.
  • Interaction Design: Crafting how users interact with your product, focusing on creating intuitive interfaces where elements respond to user actions predictably.
  • Usability: Ensuring the product is easy to use, minimizing user effort to achieve their goals, and reducing the learning curve.
  • Visual Design: The use of aesthetics like layout, colors, and typography to enhance user experience, making the product not only functional but also visually appealing.
  • User Interface (UI) Design: Developing the graphical layout of your product, including buttons, menus, micro-interactions, and more, focusing on maximizing usability and improving the user journey.

Top 12 Tools for UX Design 

The tools we will describe below have a good reputation among millions of users and have earned many awards. 

At a Glance 

UX Design ToolsG2 ReviewsG2 Users Ratings
Adobe Illustrator5738 reviews4.6
Figma1063 reviews4.7/5
InVision Studio681 reviews4.4/5
Balsamiq500 reviews4.2/5
Adobe XD499 reviews4.3/5
Axure RP277 reviews4.2/5
Marvel225 reviews4.4/5
UXPin188 reviews4.2/5
Affinity Designer224 reviews4.6/5
Framer86 Reviews4.5/5
MockFlow83 reviews4.2/5
Proto.io67 reviews4.1/5

1. Adobe Illustrator

Best UX Design Tools- Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator is a powerful tool widely used in UX design for its precision in creating vector graphics. This feature-rich tool offers a range of functionalities tailored to meet the needs of designers at every level. 

One of the key features, Vector Graphics, allows for creating crisp, scalable designs that maintain their quality across different mediums. This is particularly useful for logos and icons that need to adapt to various screen sizes without losing clarity.

Another essentail aspect is Advanced Typography, providing extensive control over text, enabling designers to fine-tune the spacing, size, and shape of letters to complement their overall design vision. This level of detail enhances readability and visual appeal, contributing significantly to the user experience. 

The Integration with Adobe Creative Cloud also offers seamless collaboration and accessibility across devices and platforms. This integration streamlines the workflow and ensures consistency and efficiency in the design process.

Pros & Cons

Precision in vector graphics creationSteep learning curve
Advanced typography toolsResource-intensive
High-quality outputs for web and print
Extensive toolset tailored for UX design
Smooth integration with Adobe Creative Cloud
Frequent updates adding new functionalities
Abundance of templates and design resources


Starts from US$22.99/mo. 

What do people say about this tool?

2. Figma

Figma- Best UX Design Tools

Figma stands at the forefront of UX design tools and is celebrated for its intuitive interface and innovative features that streamline the design process. Key features include Real-time Collaboration, which transforms how teams work by enabling simultaneous project editing. 

This feature fosters a collaborative environment, essential in today’s remote work culture. Vector Networks, another groundbreaking feature, offers designers unparalleled flexibility in creating and manipulating vector graphics. This is necessary for detailed UI works.

The Auto Layout functionality automates component resizing and alignment, making creating responsive designs that seamlessly adapt to various screen sizes easier.

Pros & Cons

Real-time collaboration enhances teamworkLimited offline functionality
Advanced vector editing with Vector NetworksCan be overwhelming for beginners
Auto Layout for efficient responsive design
Cloud-based accessibility
Comprehensive prototyping tools
Integration with other tools and plugins
Free version available with essential features


Starts from $12/mo. 

What do people have to say about this tool?

3. InVision Studio

InVision- Best UX Design Tools

InVision is a widely recognized UX design tool that empowers designers to create interactive prototypes and collaborate seamlessly. A key feature, Interactive Prototyping, allows you to bring your designs to life, simulating how users will interact with your application or website. 

With Real-time Collaboration, teams can work together on designs from anywhere in the world, ensuring a cohesive and unified design process. 

Additionally, Digital Whiteboarding with Freehand offers a flexible canvas for brainstorming, wireframing, and planning, promoting creativity and teamwork.

Pros & Cons

Interactive Prototyping enhances UX realismSteep learning curve
Real-time Collaboration boosts team synergyBit expensive for large teams
Digital Whiteboarding fosters creativity
Seamless integration with other tools
Intuitive user interface
Extensive design and prototyping tools
Cloud-based, accessible from anywhere


Offer a free basic version, and a pro version of InVision cloud comes in $7.95/mo. 

What do people have to say about this tool?

4. Balsamiq

Balsamiq is a user-friendly UX design tool favored for its focus on wireframing, making it ideal for quickly sketching out ideas and iterating on designs. A notable feature, Rapid Prototyping, enables you to create and modify wireframes swiftly, facilitating a fast-paced design process. 

The tool’s Drag-and-Drop Interface simplifies the addition and arrangement of elements, making it accessible to users with varying levels of design experience. 

Additionally, Pre-built Widgets offer a vast library of interface components, speeding up the design process by allowing you to incorporate common elements without creating them from scratch.

Pros & Cons

Rapid Prototyping speeds up designLimited functionality for high-fidelity prototypes
Drag-and-Drop Interface simplifies useNot as feature-rich as some competitors
Extensive library of Pre-built Widgets
Low learning curve
Encourages collaboration and feedback
Cloud-based or desktop options available
Affordable pricing for teams


Starts at $9/mo per user. 

What do people have to say about this tool?

5. Adobe XD

Adobe XD is a cutting-edge UX design tool from Adobe, renowned for its streamlined interface and powerful features to enhance the user experience design process. 

Key features include Coediting, which allows multiple users to work on the same document in real-time, fostering collaboration among design teams. The Repeat Grid tool dramatically speeds up the design process by enabling you to duplicate items such as lists or galleries while maintaining layout consistency. 

Additionally, Voice Prototyping offers a unique capability to integrate voice commands into your prototypes, providing a more interactive and inclusive user experience.

Pros & Cons

Coediting enhances teamworkComplex
Repeat Grid saves timeLimited integration with non-Adobe tools
Voice Prototyping adds interactivity
Comprehensive prototyping tools
Seamless integration with Adobe suite
Free starter plan available
Cross-platform functionality


Starts from $9.99/mo. 

What do people have to say about this tool?

6. Axure RP

Axure RP is a comprehensive UX design tool renowned for its capability to create sophisticated prototypes with dynamic content, conditional logic, and calculations. A highlight feature, Dynamic Content, allows for the simulation of real-world applications by creating interactive elements that change based on user actions. 

Conditional Logic enables designers to build complex interactions and workflows, enhancing the realism of prototypes. Furthermore, the Adaptive Views feature facilitates the design of responsive websites and apps, ensuring a seamless user experience across different devices.

Pros & Cons

Robust prototyping with Dynamic ContentClumsy interface
Advanced interactions using Conditional LogicCan be resource-intensive on older machines
Adaptive Views for responsive design
High-fidelity prototypes for detailed feedback
Integrations with other design and project management tools
Extensive documentation and community support
Comprehensive features for complex projects


Starts with $ 25/mo. 

What do people have to say about this tool?

7. Marvel

Marvel is a user-friendly UX design tool that simplifies the process of creating prototypes, testing usability, and collaborating with team members. 

A standout feature, Prototyping, allows you to quickly turn your designs into interactive prototypes without any coding knowledge. 

The User Testing feature provides valuable insights into how real users interact with your designs, enabling data-driven improvements. 

Additionally, Collaboration Tools make it easy for teams to work together on projects, share feedback, and streamline the design process.

Pros & Cons

Easy-to-use PrototypingLimited functionality in the free version
In-depth User Testing for feedbackNot as powerful for complex prototypes
Efficient Collaboration Tools
Integrates with other design tools
Cloud-based for easy access
Quick to learn for beginners
Free version available


Offers a free plan, and the priced plans start from $8.00/mo

What do people have to say about this tool?

8. UXPin

UXPin stands out in the world of UX design tools for its comprehensive approach to design and prototyping. 

One of its standout features, States, enables designers to simulate the dynamic behavior of UI elements across different user interactions, enhancing the fidelity of prototypes. The Design Systems feature allows for creating and maintaining design libraries, ensuring consistency across projects. 

Moreover, Accessibility Features help designers ensure their creations comply with WCAG standards, making designs more inclusive.

Pros & Cons

States for dynamic UI element simulationRequires time to master its full capabilities
Comprehensive Design Systems supportPricing may be a hurdle for small teams
Built-in Accessibility Features
Real-time collaboration streamlines teamwork
Integration with other design and development tools
Cloud-based platform for easy access
Extensive library of UI elements and icons


All UXPin’s plans start with a free trial period. 

What do people have to say about this tool?

9. Affinity Designer

Affinity Designer is a vector graphics editor that stands out for its speed, precision, and flexibility, making it an excellent UX/UI design tool. 

Key features include Pixel Precision, which allows designers to work with vector and raster workflows within the same document, ensuring impeccable detail and quality. The Advanced Grids feature simplifies the creation of complex layouts, enabling precise alignment and consistency across designs. 

Also, Dynamic Symbols facilitate the reuse of elements across your projects, saving time and ensuring brand consistency.

Pros & Cons

High performance and speedSteeper learning curve for beginners
Combines vector and raster design toolsLess community support compared to larger tools
Advanced Grids for precise layouts
Dynamic Symbols streamline design process
Affordable one-time purchase
Continuous updates with no extra cost
Intuitive user interface


Affinity offers all its apps at a universal license for one-off payment $114.99. (Forever) 

What do people have to say about this tool?

10. Framer

Framer is a powerful UX design tool that specializes in interactive and high-fidelity prototyping, standing out for its ability to integrate with code to create detailed and dynamic designs. 

Interactive Prototyping lets you craft complex animations and interactions, bringing your prototypes closer to the final product. The Code Integration feature is particularly notable, allowing designers to use real React components in their designs for more realistic prototypes. 

Additionally, Collaboration Features support real-time editing and sharing, making teamwork more efficient and seamless.

Pros & Cons

Advanced Interactive PrototypingNot enough resources to start with 
Direct Code Integration with React
Real-time Collaboration Features
High-fidelity prototypes close to real product
Extensive library of pre-built components
Cloud-based for easy access and sharing
Continuous updates and improvements


Framer has a free plan and the priced plans start from $5/mo. 

What do people have to say about this tool?

11. MockFlow

MockFlow is a comprehensive UX design tool ideal for wireframing and early-stage design collaboration. Its WireframePro feature enables quick creation of wireframes, allowing for rapid visualization of ideas and concepts. 

The Design Collaboration functionality enhances team interaction by facilitating feedback and iterations directly within the tool. 

Also, with UI Libraries, you are having a vast collection of design elements and icons, speeding up the your design process by providing ready-to-use components.

Pros & Cons

Quick wireframing with WireframeProCan be less intuitive for new users
Enhanced Design Collaboration featuresLimited advanced prototyping capabilities
Extensive UI Libraries
Cloud-based for easy access
Integrates with other tools and platforms
Supports multiple users and projects
Free version available


MockFlow has a free basic and premium plan for $14/mo. 

What do people have to say about this tool?

12. is a versatile UX design tool known for its powerful prototyping capabilities, enabling designers to create highly interactive and detailed prototypes. 

The Drag-and-Drop Interface simplifies the process of creating complex interactions and animations, enabling designers to visualize their ideas quickly. 

Extensive Interaction Capabilities allow for the simulation of sophisticated user experiences, closely mimicking the look and feel of the final application. 

Moreover, Comprehensive Feedback Tools make it straightforward to collect and manage user insights directly within the platform, streamlining the iteration process.

Pros & Cons

High-fidelity prototyping with realistic interactionsCustomization options may be insufficient for advanced users.
Seamless drag-and-drop interface for ease of useMay require additional tools for full design to development workflow
Wide range of user interaction simulations
Direct and comprehensive feedback collection tools
Cloud-based accessibility from anywhere
Collaboration features for team projects
Integrates with a variety of design and testing tools


Proto.Io has 4 different plans, and its freelancer plan starts with $24/mo. 

What do people have to say about this tool?

What Aspects of a UX Design Tool Should Consider Before Purchasing? 

Your entire operation on how your software might look in front of a user depends on the UX design tool you are working on. So, it’s not about the tool’s advanced features or working efficiency; you should focus on the elements you want in a UX tool. 

AspectWhy It MattersExample
1. Compatibility and IntegrationEnsures the tool works seamlessly with other software you’re using, enhancing your design workflow.For instance, integrating with Slack for team communication can streamline feedback loops.
2. Prototyping FeaturesCrucial for creating interactive models to showcase user interactions with your product.Such as Figma’s prototyping tools that allow for real-time collaboration and animation.
3. Collaboration CapabilitiesAllows multiple designers to contribute simultaneously, fostering teamwork and efficiency.Tools like InVision offer live commenting features for immediate feedback.
4. User Interface (UI) Design OptionsImpacts the effectiveness of visual element design, influencing the user experience.Adobe XD provides extensive UI libraries and design systems for consistency across projects.
5. Usability Testing ToolsEnables gathering direct feedback on designs to ensure they align with user needs and preferences.Platforms like UserTesting facilitate user interviews and usability tests.
6. Learning Curve and UsabilityA more intuitive tool can drastically speed up the design process and enhance productivity.Sketch is known for its simplicity, making it accessible for beginners.
7. Pricing and Subscription ModelHelps determine the most cost-effective solution without compromising on necessary features.Affinity Designer offers a one-time purchase, avoiding recurring subscription fees.
8. Customer Support and CommunityAccess to support and a knowledgeable community can aid in overcoming challenges and learning.The extensive online forums for Axure RP provide solutions and tips from experienced users.
9. ScalabilityThe tool should grow with your project needs, accommodating larger teams and more complex designs.Platforms like Adobe XD can scale from small projects to enterprise-level applications.
10. Asset Management and SharingEfficiently managing and sharing design assets can save time and ensure consistency.UXPin’s asset libraries and sharing options simplify maintaining brand consistency across designs.


What device is best for UI UX designers?

For UI/UX designers, devices that combine high-resolution displays with accurate color representation are paramount. Graphics tablets like the Wacom Intuos Pro or the iPad Pro with Apple Pencil are highly recommended. 

These devices offer the precision needed for detailed design work and the flexibility to sketch and iterate designs on the go. A powerful laptop or desktop computer with a large, high-resolution monitor can significantly enhance productivity and the overall design process.

Will AI ever replace UI and UX designers?

While AI is making strides in automating specific tasks, it is unlikely to fully replace UI and UX designers. The unique human ability to understand complex emotional responses and apply creative thinking to design problems is something AI cannot replicate. Instead, AI tools and algorithms are becoming valuable assets that designers can use to streamline workflows, automate repetitive tasks, and gather insights, augmenting the design process rather than replacing the designer.

Is UX design job still in demand in 2024?

Yes, the demand for UX design professionals continues to grow in 2024. As businesses increasingly recognize the importance of providing excellent user experiences to stand out in competitive markets, the need for skilled UX designers has become more pronounced. 

This trend is fueled by the expansion of digital products and services across all sectors, necessitating a user-centered approach to design that can significantly impact user satisfaction, engagement, and loyalty.

Can you use Python for UX Design?

Python can be a valuable tool for UX designers, especially in prototyping, data analysis, and user testing. By leveraging Python’s libraries, such as Tkinter for creating GUI applications or PyQt for more complex UI designs, designers can build functional prototypes that offer insights into user interactions. 

Python’s role in UX design often bridges the gap between design and development, allowing for creating tools that can automate and enhance the design process.

What is the next role after UX design?

The career path for UX designers often evolves towards senior roles encompassing broader responsibilities. Moving from hands-on design to UX Manager, UX Director, or Product Manager roles, individuals take on strategic functions, leading design teams and making pivotal decisions that affect the product’s user experience. 

These positions focus more on aligning user needs with business goals, mentoring junior designers, and steering product development to ensure it delivers value to users and the organization.

Make Your Dream Designs a Reality Using These Tools 

And, there you have it, our best UX design tools from beginners to experts. With functionalities ranging from interactive prototyping to real-time collaboration and user feedback analysis, these tools are instrumental in refining your approach to UX design. 

They enable you to craft experiences that are not only visually appealing but also highly intuitive and user-centric.

By leveraging these tools’ specific features, you can streamline your workflow, enhance design accuracy, and foster a deeper understanding of user needs. 

Best of luck!

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