Best SEO Link Building Software

15 Best SEO Link Building Software for Your Website in 2024

If you are working in website development, you know how crucial link building can be when it comes to increasing the authority and visibility of your site. Link building is your ultimate strategy to get ahead of your opponents quickly! 

Link building involves acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to your own. A hyperlink is a way for users to navigate between pages on the internet.

You can manually build your links; however, use SEO tools. Tools offer insightful analytics that guides your strategies, ensuring that your link-building efforts align with the latest search engine algorithms. 

Let’s see what are those software-

ToolsStarting Price
Majestic SEO£39/month
Moz Pro$99/month
BuzzStream$24/month (2 Users)
GroupHigh$8000/year per user
NinjaOutreach$99/month (billed annually)
Pitchbox$495/month (billed annually)$34/month
Screaming Frog SEO Spider$259/year per user
GSA Search Engine Ranker$97 Product
Raven Tools$39/month

15 Best SEO Link Building Software to Get Ahead in Your Link Building Game

Most SEO tools we recommend here have a great reputation among general users and digital marketers. Here are all the tools at once-

i. Ahrefs

Ahrefs- Best SEO Link Building Software

Ahrefs is a comprehensive SEO tool that helps you enhance your website’s online presence. Its user-friendly interface allows you to analyze your site’s performance, research competitors, and uncover vital keywords. It’s an essential tool for boosting your SEO strategy.

Highlighted features

  • Backlink analysis: Track and analyze the backlinks to your website.
  • Keyword research: Discover high-traffic keywords relevant to your niche.
  • Competitor analysis: Gain insights into your competitors’ SEO strategies.
  • Content Explorer: Find popular content ideas and trends in your industry.
  • Rank tracker: Monitor your website’s search rankings.
  • Site audit: Identify and fix technical SEO issues.
  • Alerts: Get notified about new backlinks, keywords, and web mentions.
  • SEO toolbar: Access SEO metrics directly in your web browser.

General opinion

Ahrefs is widely regarded as an indispensable tool for SEO professionals. Its robust features and intuitive design make it ideal for enhancing your website’s search performance straightforwardly and effectively.

ii. SEMrush

SEMRush- Best SEO Link Building Software

SEMrush is a multi-faceted SEO and digital marketing platform offering tools catering to various online marketing aspects. It seamlessly integrates keyword discovery, competitor insights, and site optimization, making it a go-to choice for enhancing your website’s search performance.

Highlighted features

  • Extensive keyword research: Uncover valuable keywords for SEO and PPC.
  • Detailed site audits: Diagnose and rectify site issues to improve SEO.
  • Comprehensive competitor insights: Gain an edge by understanding competitor strategies.
  • Advanced backlink analytics: Examine the quality and source of backlinks.
  • Real-time position tracking: Keep tabs on your rankings for crucial keywords.
  • Content analyzer: Assess and optimize your content strategy.
  • Social media monitoring: Track and improve your social media engagement.
  • Audience insights: Understand your website’s audience and traffic patterns.

General opinion

Regarded as a powerhouse in the SEO community, SEMrush is acclaimed for its deep analytical capabilities and user-friendly experience. It’s essential for those aiming to elevate their digital marketing and SEO strategies with comprehensive, actionable insights.

iii. Majestic SEO


Majestic SEO is a specialized tool focusing on link intelligence and domain analysis, perfect for those who want to dive deep into backlink strategies. It offers a unique approach to understanding and enhancing your website’s backlink profile.

Highlighted features

  • Backlink checker: Analyze the backlink profile of any website.
  • Site explorer: Get an in-depth view of your website’s link landscape.
  • Link context: Understand the context and quality of your backlinks.
  • Trust flow: Evaluate the trustworthiness of linking domains.
  • Citation flow: Measure the influence of linking websites.
  • Topical trust flow: See the relevance of backlink sources to your niche.
  • Compare tool: Benchmark your website against competitors.
  • Backlink history: Track the growth of backlinks over time.

General opinion

Majestic SEO is renowned for its focus on backlinks, offering unparalleled depth. It’s particularly favored by those who prioritize link building as a cornerstone of their SEO strategy.

iv. Moz Pro 

MOZ- SEO Tool for keyword research

Moz Pro offers a suite of SEO tools designed to enhance your website’s search engine visibility. It combines user-friendly interfaces with powerful analytics, making it ideal for beginners and seasoned SEO professionals.

Highlighted features

  • Keyword explorer: Find and analyze profitable keywords.
  • Rank tracker: Monitor your website’s search engine rankings.
  • Site crawl: Detects and fixes technical SEO issues.
  • Page optimization: Get recommendations to improve on-page SEO.
  • Link explorer: Analyze your site’s backlink profile.
  • Custom reports: Create tailored reports for SEO analysis.
  • MozBar: Access SEO metrics directly in your browser.
  • Domain analysis: Get quick insights into any domain’s SEO performance.

General opinion

Moz Pro is celebrated for its comprehensive yet accessible SEO tools, making it a popular choice for those seeking to balance in-depth analysis with ease of use. Its community support and educational resources are also highly valued.

v. BuzzStream 

Buzz Stream- Best SEO Link Building Software

BuzzStream simplifies your digital outreach and link-building efforts. It’s designed to help you manage and automate your email outreach campaigns, making connecting with specialists and building valuable backlinks easier.

Highlighted features

  • Experts research: Identify and connect with relevant influencers.
  • Email templates: Customize outreach emails efficiently.
  • Automated follow-ups: Send follow-up emails to increase response rates.
  • Link monitoring: Keep track of your backlinks and mentions.
  • Campaign management: Organize your outreach campaigns effectively.
  • Performance tracking: Measure the success of your outreach efforts.
  • Team collaboration: Work together with your team on campaigns.
  • Integration with major platforms: Seamlessly connect with other tools and services.

General opinion

BuzzStream is widely appreciated for streamlining the outreach process, particularly by those who regularly engage in digital marketing and link building. Its intuitive interface and time-saving features make it a go-to tool for effective digital communication.

vi. Linkody 

Linkody focuses on backlink monitoring and analysis, offering you a streamlined way to track and optimize your website’s backlink profile. It’s a tool designed for ease and efficiency, making the complex task of link management both straightforward and insightful.

Highlighted features

  • Backlink monitoring: Track your website’s backlinks in real-time.
  • Competitor analysis: Keep an eye on your competitors’ backlink strategies.
  • Link disavow tool: Disavow harmful links easily.
  • SEO metrics: Analyze the SEO value of backlinks.
  • Email alerts: Get notifications about new or lost links.
  • Analytics reports: Understand your link profile with comprehensive reports.
  • Social shares tracking: Monitor the social media shares of your links.
  • API access: Integrate Linkody with other tools and workflows.

General opinion

Linkody is often praised for its focused approach to backlink tracking and analysis. Its straightforward and user-friendly platform is especially valued by those prioritizing backlink management in their SEO strategies.

vii. GroupHigh 

GroupHigh is tailored for SEO marketing and blogger outreach, offering a streamlined platform to discover and engage with experts worldwide. It’s designed to enhance your outreach efforts, making connecting with key online personalities easier.

Highlighted features

  • Influencer discovery: Find influencers across various social platforms.
  • Blogger outreach: Efficiently manage blogger relationships.
  • Campaign management: Organize and track your outreach campaigns.
  • Advanced filtering: Refine your influencer search with detailed filters.
  • Content research: Identify trending content in your niche.
  • Reporting tools: Analyze the success of your campaigns.
  • Email integration: Seamlessly connect with website owners via email.
  • Audience insights: Understand the demographics and interests of influencer audiences.

General opinion

GroupHigh is often commended for its effectiveness in influencer and blogger outreach. It’s a popular choice for marketing professionals looking to build strong relationships with influencers and enhance their digital presence.

viii. NinjaOutreach

NinjaOutreach streamlines your influencer and blogger engagement, offering tools to effectively find, connect, and collaborate with key online figures. It enhances your outreach strategy, making building meaningful relationships more manageable and productive.

Highlighted features

  • Extensive influencer database: Easily access a wide range of influencer contacts.
  • Automated email campaigns: Simplify your outreach with automation.
  • Detailed analytics: Track the performance and impact of your campaigns.
  • Customizable email templates: Tailor your messages for different outreach goals.
  • Contact relationship management: Efficiently organize your influencer contacts.
  • Advanced search filters: Find influencers by niche, location, or metrics.
  • Influencer collaboration tracking: Keep tabs on your collaboration progress.
  • Social media insights: Gain valuable insights from influencer social profiles.

General opinion

NinjaOutreach is favored for its ability to make influencer engagement both more accessible and effective. Its comprehensive features are particularly beneficial for businesses looking to expand their digital reach through influencer collaborations.

ix. Pitchbox 

Pitchbox is a sophisticated SEO and influencer outreach tool, designed to streamline the process of connecting with bloggers, influencers, and media. It enhances your link-building and content-marketing efforts through efficient outreach and relationship management.

Highlighted features

  • Automated outreach campaigns: Easily manage and automate email campaigns.
  • Influencer and blogger discovery: Find relevant contacts in your industry.
  • Customizable email templates: Create personalized outreach messages.
  • SEO integration: Incorporate SEO insights into your outreach strategy.
  • Performance tracking: Monitor the success of your outreach efforts.
  • Email follow-ups: Automate follow-up messages for better response rates.
  • Workflow management: Organize your outreach process for maximum efficiency.
  • Detailed reporting: Analyze campaign performance with comprehensive reports.

General opinion

Pitchbox is well-regarded for its effectiveness in streamlining the outreach process, particularly among SEO experts and digital marketers. Its comprehensive features make it a valuable tool for building and maintaining influential relationships.


Best SEO Link Building Software specializes in email discovery and verification, simplifying finding and reaching out to professionals and potential leads. It’s a valuable asset for your email marketing and outreach campaigns, enhancing your ability to connect effectively.

Highlighted features

  • Email finder: Quickly locate professional email addresses.
  • Email verification: Ensure email accuracy and deliverability.
  • Domain search: Find email addresses associated with a domain.
  • Email campaigns: Send targeted outreach emails.
  • Lead management: Organize and track potential leads.
  • Chrome extension: Easily use Hunter features while browsing.
  • Bulk tasks: Perform email searches and verifications in bulk.
  • API access: Integrate Hunter’s functionality into your systems.

General opinion is acclaimed for its efficiency in email discovery and verification, making it a go-to tool for digital marketers and professionals seeking to enhance their outreach and networking capabilities.

xi. Screaming Frog SEO Spider

Screaming-Frog- SEO Audit Tools Comparison

Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a robust website crawler that is essential for in-depth SEO audits. It lets you quickly analyze and audit your website for SEO improvements, providing detailed insights into various on-site elements.

Highlighted features

  • Site auditing: Thoroughly audit your website for SEO issues.
  • Duplicate content detection: Identify and resolve duplicate content problems.
  • Meta data analysis: Examine and optimize meta tags and descriptions.
  • Broken links identification: Find and fix broken links.
  • Redirect mapping: Manage and analyze redirects.
  • Integration with google analytics: Combine analytics data for deeper insights.
  • XML sitemap generation: Create XML sitemaps easily.
  • Visualization of site architecture: Understand your site structure better.

General opinion

Screaming Frog SEO Spider is highly regarded for its comprehensive and detailed site analysis capabilities. Its in-depth crawling features are precious for SEO professionals looking to optimize websites efficiently.

xii. CognitiveSEO

CognitiveSEO is an all-encompassing SEO tool that provides comprehensive insights and analyses for enhancing your website’s SEO performance. It integrates various aspects of SEO management into a single platform, making it easier to track, analyze, and improve your search rankings.

Highlighted features

  • Site audit: Perform an in-depth analysis of your website’s SEO health.
  • Backlink analysis: Evaluate the quality and impact of your backlinks.
  • Rank tracking: Monitor your website’s rankings for targeted keywords.
  • Content optimization: Get recommendations for content improvement.
  • Competitor analysis: Compare and learn from your competitors’ SEO strategies.
  • Social visibility: Track the social media performance of your content.
  • Keyword tool: Discover and analyze valuable keywords.
  • Alerts and notifications: Stay informed about essential SEO changes.

General opinion

CognitiveSEO is often praised for its detailed and user-friendly approach to SEO analysis. Its suite of tools is particularly beneficial for those seeking to gain an edge in their SEO efforts through comprehensive data and actionable insights.

xiii. GSA Search Engine Ranker

GSA Search Engine Ranker is a unique tool designed for automating your backlink-building efforts. It focuses on creating backlinks from various platforms and websites to improve your search engine rankings with minimal manual intervention.

Highlighted features

  • Automated backlink building: Continuously build backlinks without manual input.
  • Diverse link sources: Create links from a wide range of platforms.
  • Anchor text variation: Use varied anchor texts for natural link profiles.
  • Unlimited projects: Manage multiple SEO campaigns simultaneously.
  • Backlink statistics: Monitor the number and quality of backlinks.
  • Customizable strategy settings: Tailor your backlink strategies to fit your needs.
  • Proxy support: Operate with proxies for safety and efficiency.
  • Link verification: Ensure that created links are live and functional.

General opinion 

GSA Search Engine Ranker is recognized for its ability to automate the time-consuming link-building process. Its wide range of features and customization options make it popular for those looking to boost their website’s SEO with an automated approach.

xiv. Raven Tools

Raven Tools is a comprehensive SEO and marketing platform that offers a variety of tools to improve your website’s SEO and marketing strategies. It’s designed to provide detailed insights and reports, helping you make informed decisions to enhance your online presence.

Highlighted features

  • Site audits: Analyze your website for SEO improvements.
  • Keyword research: Discover and track effective keywords.
  • Competitor analysis: Understand your competitors’ strategies.
  • Backlink analysis: Evaluate and monitor your backlink profile.
  • Rank tracking: Keep tabs on your website’s search engine positions.
  • Social media Management: Manage and track your social media campaigns.
  • Report builder: Create custom reports for data analysis.
  • Marketing integration: Combine data from various marketing channels for holistic insights.

General opinion

Raven Tools is lauded for its robust features catering to both SEO and marketing needs. Its versatility and depth make it ideal for marketers and SEO professionals looking for an all-in-one solution.

xv. Ontolo

Ontolo is a tool designed specifically for link building and prospecting, helping you streamline finding high-quality backlink opportunities. It’s tailored for marketers and SEO professionals focused on building a robust website link profile.

Highlighted features

  • Automated prospecting: Efficiently find relevant link-building opportunities.
  • Link-building campaigns: Manage and track your link-building projects.
  • Competitor backlink analysis: Analyze and learn from your competitors’ link profiles.
  • Customizable search parameters: Tailor your searches to fit specific needs.
  • Data exporting: Easily export data for further analysis or reporting.
  • Integration with SEO tools: Combine with other SEO tools for comprehensive insights.
  • Real-time data: Access up-to-date information on potential link sources.
  • Bulk URL analyzer: Quickly evaluate multiple URLs for link-building potential.

General opinion

Ontolo is praised for its focus on link building and its ability to simplify the prospecting process. It’s particularly appreciated by users who prioritize efficient and targeted approaches to building a strong backlink profile.

12 Best SEO Audit Tools for Better Website Performance

Crucial FAQs Best SEO Link Building Software

What type of links are best for SEO?

For SEO, the best links come from authoritative and relevant websites within your niche. These links are considered high-quality because they are from trusted sources, and relevance ensures that the link contributes positively to your site’s topic or industry. Search engines like Google give more weight to these links, indicating that your content is valuable and relevant, thereby improving your search rankings.

What's the most effective way to build SEO links?

The most effective way to build SEO links is through creating high-quality, engaging content that naturally attracts links. Also, guest blogging on reputable sites, participating in industry forums, and using social media to share and promote your content can be effective. Building relationships with influencers and other website owners in your niche can lead to organic, valuable backlinks. Remember, consistency and offering value are key to successful link-building.

What is a backlink strategy?

A backlink strategy is a set of planned actions to increase the number and quality of inbound links to your website. This strategy involves identifying link-building opportunities, creating link-worthy content, and reaching out to other websites for backlinks. A good backlink strategy focuses on the quantity of links and on acquiring high-quality links that boost your site’s authority and search engine rankings. It’s an ongoing process that requires regular monitoring and adjustment.

Is buying backlinks good for SEO strategy?

Buying backlinks is generally not recommended for a sustainable SEO strategy. While it might offer short-term gains, it violates search engine guidelines, particularly Google’s. This practice can lead to severe penalties, including a significant drop in rankings or even being deindexed. Investing in organic link-building strategies that comply with SEO best practices is more beneficial, leading to more stable and long-term ranking improvements.

What are backlink building tools?

Backlink-building tools are software applications designed to help SEO professionals and website owners in their link-building efforts. These tools assist in identifying potential backlink sources, analyzing competitors’ backlink profiles, monitoring existing backlinks, and uncovering opportunities for new links. 

They provide valuable insights into the quality and effectiveness of backlinks, making it easier to develop and implement a successful backlink strategy. Examples include Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Majestic SEO, each offering unique features for backlink analysis and building aspects.

Efficiently Strategize Your Link Building Now

These tools, each with unique strengths, offer many features like backlink analysis, competitor insights, and effective outreach capabilities. 

Whether you’re leaning towards the comprehensive analytical power of Ahrefs, the versatility of SEMrush, or the specialized focus of tools like Majestic SEO or BuzzStream, your choice should align with your specific link-building objectives. 

Remember, the effectiveness of your SEO efforts largely depends on how well you leverage these tools to build high-quality, relevant links.

Have a good day! 

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