sales strategy for startups

11 Tips to Make the Perfect Sales Strategy for Startups 

A business that doesn’t sell a product or service can’t be recognized. However, with an effective sales strategy, you can turn a less or no profitable business into a more perfect one with endless possibilities. 

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A well-thought-out sales strategy can be your roadmap, detailing how to identify your target customers, approach them, and nurture those relationships to close deals effectively. 

In this exploration, we’ll delve into the essential elements of a sales strategy uniquely crafted for WordPress plugin startups. So, gear up for this exciting journey, where we’ll uncover the secrets to charting a successful course in plugins!

So, if you’re serious about transforming your startup vision into a reality, you cannot afford to overlook your sales strategy. In the following sections, we’ll research more on how to construct a formidable sales strategy for startups. Let’s begin our sales strategy for startups

2 Types of Primary Sales Strategies

Types of Primary Sales Strategies

Different businesses have unique products, services, target audiences, and challenges, requiring tailored sales strategies to meet their specific needs. Especially for startups, understanding these types can help you make an informed decision on which method(s) would be most effective in achieving your objectives.

Generally, there are 2 types of sales strategies.

1. Inbound Sales

> Content marketing

Content marketing involves creating valuable and relevant content to attract potential customers. For example, if you run a SaaS startup that offers project management solutions, you could publish blogs or eBooks on effective project management tips. This establishes your authority in the subject and attracts people actively looking for such solutions.

> SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO is about optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results, making it easier for potential customers to find you. Suppose you have an online store selling organic skincare products. By optimizing for keywords like “organic face cream,” you can appear on the first page of search results, increasing your visibility and drawing more targeted traffic to your website.

> Social media

You can use platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to engage with your target audience. If you have a fitness app, for instance, sharing daily workout tips or nutrition facts on social media can offer value and serve as a subtle promotion for your app.

2. Outbound sales

> Cold calls

Cold calling means directly phoning potential customers without prior interest in your products or services. If you’re running a B2B startup offering accounting software, calling small businesses to provide a free trial can garner interest.

> Email campaigns

This involves sending emails to a list of potential customers to promote your products or services. Imagine you have an online course on digital marketing. By sending out an email series offering free marketing tips, you could entice recipients to purchase the full course for more in-depth knowledge.

> Networking events

Attending industry events, trade shows, or seminars provides you with opportunities to meet potential customers face-to-face. For instance, if your startup offers 3D printing services, a technology expo could be the perfect place to showcase your capabilities and directly interact with interested parties.

11 Tips to Create the Perfect Sales Strategy for Startups 

Create the Perfect Sales Strategy for Startups

A well-considered sales strategy for startups is pivotal for laying down a roadmap to success. To help you devise a sales plan that’s effective and strategic, here are extended explanations for each of the 11 key components you should consider.

1. Build a website to strengthen your online presence

According to WebFX, almost 97% of customers will search online to find a business. Not just websites, people will search for specific niche-based Facebook pages, YouTube channels, LinkedIn IDs, and other social media platforms for potential business. Which is why having a well-developed website is so crucial. The objective is to have your presence all over the internet as much as possible. 

Also, a website can be your business’s entire operation area, from where you can monitor your site, showcase your product, talk with your customers, advertise, and figure out more ways to reach potential customers.  

2. Set your sales objectives

 Setting your sales objectives is akin to setting the GPS for your business journey; it helps you map out where you want to go and how you plan to get there. Without well-defined objectives, your sales activities might lack focus, making it difficult to measure success or make informed decisions. 

That’s why starting your sales strategy is crucial by outlining clear, measurable goals. These objectives should be specific, achievable, relevant, and time-bound, often called “SMART” goals.

For example, if you’re running a startup that offers a learning platform for coding, your objectives could range from user-related goals like acquiring 5,000 new users in the next quarter to revenue-based goals like achieving a monthly recurring revenue (MRR) of $50,000 in the same period. These objectives could be further broken down into specific targets, such as a 20% conversion rate from free trials to paid subscriptions. 

By setting these specific objectives, you provide your sales team with a clear focus and establish criteria that will enable you to gauge the effectiveness of your sales strategy as time progresses.

3. Find out your targeted audience

Find out your targeted audience

Knowing your targeted audience is a cornerstone in the edifice of your startup’s sales strategy. This is not merely about identifying a broad category of people interested in your product or service; it’s about digging deep into the demographics, psychology, and behavioral traits that characterize your ideal customers. 

When you understand who you’re selling to, you can tailor every aspect of your sales and marketing strategy to meet their needs better, solve their problems, and speak their language.

Let’s see an example: If your startup is focused on selling ergonomic office furniture, your target audience might include corporate procurement managers, remote workers, and small business owners. Though, each of these categories could be further segmented. Corporate managers prioritize bulk purchases and long-term durability, remote workers may look for cost-effectiveness and space efficiency, while small business owners may be searching for a balance of both. 

You will also need to consider different audiences because not everyone might be willing to cooperate with your existing or upcoming business products. 

i. Early adopters

These are individuals who are always on the lookout for the latest innovations. They’re willing to try new products and can become strong brand advocates if they’re impressed.

ii. Budget-conscious consumers 

They are price-sensitive and are always looking for a deal. Budget-conscious consumers are likely to buy with a discount or special offer.

iii. B2B decision-makers 

In a business-to-business (B2B) setting, you often deal with high-level executives or procurement departments. They may have a longer buying cycle and require a more consultative sales approach.

iv. Tech-savvy users 

This group is comfortable with technology and often seeks products or services that offer high functionality, regardless of price.

v. Loyal customers 

These are existing customers who have shown a commitment to your brand. They offer opportunities for upselling and cross-selling.

4. Develop a value proposition for your products

A value proposition is a clear and concise statement that expresses the unique benefits and advantages a customer can gain from using your product or service. It should be opposed to those offered by competitors. 

In essence, it answers every prospective customer’s critical question: “Why should I choose this product or service over others?” A compelling value proposition is customer-focused and speaks directly to how the product or service solves a problem, fulfills a need, or provides an opportunity for the customer.

Developing a value proposition for your products or services is an exercise in crystallizing your offering’s unique attributes into a concise and compelling statement. It’s an indispensable part of your sales strategy, acting as the linchpin that aligns your marketing efforts and communicates your startup’s unique benefits to potential customers. 

You’re not just selling a product; you’re selling a solution to a problem, an answer to a need, or an enhancement to an existing situation.

5. Select a sales channel 

Selecting the right sales channel is akin to choosing the appropriate highway for a road trip; the decision significantly impacts how quickly and efficiently you reach your destination. A sales channel is the medium through which you sell your products or services, and it plays a vital role in determining your startup’s success. 

While being present on multiple platforms may be tempting, spreading yourself too thin can be counterproductive. Instead, understanding the pros and cons of each type of channel will help you make an informed decision on where to focus your efforts. There are multiple types of sales channels to select from. 

i. Direct sales 

Here, you’re selling directly to the consumer, usually via a website or direct sales team. This method gives you complete control over the customer experience but also requires a heavy investment in building and maintaining the sales infrastructure.

ii. Indirect sales

In this model, you rely on third-party vendors or resellers to market your product. While this broadens your reach and reduces the burden on your internal team, it can dilute your brand and decrease your control over the customer journey.

iii. Retail 

This is particularly relevant if you’re selling physical goods. It involves selling through retail spaces—either your own or those of other retailers. While retail offers the advantage of in-person customer engagement, the costs can be high, and your success often depends on factors like location and in-store placement.

iv. eCommerce 

Given our digital age, online sales are often the most convenient and cost-effective method. This could range from your own branded website to third-party platforms like Amazon.

v. B2B channels 

If your startup is focused on selling to other businesses, specialized B2B channels might be relevant. This could include everything from trade shows to specialized B2B eCommerce platforms.

6. Crafting your sales pitch

The pitch is your weapon; it should be sharp and tailored to cut through the noise. If you have a financial consultancy startup, your sales pitch could focus on how your unique, data-driven strategies offer higher returns on investment than traditional methods. The rise should touch on the potential client’s pain points, explain your solution, and conclude with a strong call to action.

Creating an effective sales pitch is an art that combines product knowledge, understanding of customer needs, and persuasive communication. Like, a SaaS product sales pitch can be, 

“Are you tired of juggling multiple tools to manage your business? Our all-in-one platform streamlines project management, invoicing, and customer relations, saving you up to 20 hours a month! That’s like giving you an extra business day! Want to see how it works?” 

A pitch is designed to identify a problem or need, present a solution, and prompt for the next step, whether it’s a product demo, a tour, or a simple yes-or-no question. The goal is to make it as easy as possible for the prospect to decide, ideally in your favor.

7. Essential tools you need to track your sales

Essential tools you need to track your sales

Tracking your sales and different data along the path will be crucial for the future of your business because the right information can help you make a profound decision. These tools function as your operational radar, supplying you with actionable insights that extend well beyond simple numerical data. 

When you integrate tracking tools into your sales strategy, you aren’t merely accumulating statistics; instead, you’re arming yourself with a rich set of data that empowers you to sharpen your sales techniques, enhance customer interactions, and, ultimately, increase revenue streams. 

Consider these tools as your command center for sales, carefully crafted to provide an overview of your sales activity while enabling good points that support your startup’s financial health.

Let’s dive into some essential sales tracking tools you should consider incorporating into your arsenal.

i. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems

Think of a CRM as the backbone of your sales operations. Platforms like Salesforce, HubSpot, or Zoho provide a centralized hub for tracking customer interactions, managing leads, and analyzing sales data. Like, you can use Salesforce to track the lifecycle of a lead from initial contact to conversion, which allows you to refine your sales processes over time.

ii. Analytics and reporting tools

Google Analytics and Tableau are excellent for visualizing sales data and generating comprehensive reports. These tools can help you discern sales trends, track website engagement, and understand customer behavior. For instance, you can set up Google Analytics to track conversion goals and understand which channels are most effective for customer acquisition.

iii. Email tracking software

Tools like Yesware and Mailtrack tell when a recipient has opened your email. This is particularly useful for gauging the effectiveness of your email campaigns or following up at the right time. Imagine sending a proposal and knowing exactly when your prospective client has opened it; the timeliness of your follow-up could make all the difference.

iv. Sales forecasting tools

Platforms such as Clari or InsightSquared offer predictive analytics to forecast sales trends based on historical data and current deal flow. A great example is Clari, which lets you predict next quarter’s revenue with greater accuracy, enabling you to allocate resources more efficiently.

v. Contract management software

Tools like DocuSign or PandaDoc streamline the contract negotiation and signing process. Knowing where each deal stands in the contractual stage can significantly speed up sales cycles.

8. Craft a marketing and sales team

As you navigate the complexities of scaling your startup, one element stands as a cornerstone for success: building a robust sales team. You may have a groundbreaking product and a well-crafted sales strategy, but your growth prospects need a competent team to execute it. Think of your sales team as the engine that propels your startup forward. They are not just employees but your brand ambassadors, deal-closers, and customer relationship builders.

Recruiting the right individuals is the first step in building an effective sales team. Training and development are equally important. A comprehensive training program equips your team with the skills needed and establishes a unified sales methodology across the board. 

For instance, if your startup is focused on software solutions for healthcare, a training program could include sessions on industry compliance, technical features, and soft skills like empathy and effective communication.

9. Create budget and analytics reports for your business 

These reports serve as your enterprise’s financial and operational compass, providing a snapshot of your current standing and illuminating the path to your objectives. Budgeting isn’t merely an exercise in number-crunching; it’s your blueprint for fiscal responsibility and growth. Similarly, analytics reports are not just a collection of graphs and tables; they offer valuable insights that can shape your decision-making process.

Budgeting starts with a meticulous breakdown of anticipated revenue and expenses. Here, you should consider fixed costs like office rent and variable expenses like marketing campaigns. Once the budget is framed, the next step is to track the actual numbers against your predictions. 

Know How You Can Apply Neuromarketing for Your Business

For instance, if your sales revenue falls short, it’s an indicator to reassess your sales strategy or explore new revenue streams. Conversely, if you notice a budget surplus, it might be an opportune moment to invest in expanding your team or enhancing your product.

How to Create Budget and Analytics Reports:

  • Identify revenue sources: List all the streams from which your business earns money.
  • List fixed and variable costs: Make a detailed list of your fixed and variable expenses to understand your spending.
  • Project future earnings and expenses: Use historical data and market trends to project future earnings and expenses.
  • Implement budgeting software: Tools like QuickBooks or FreshBooks can automate the tracking process.
  • Create kpi dashboards: Use analytics tools to create dashboards for key performance indicators like customer acquisition cost, lifetime value, and churn rate.
  • Monthly review: At the end of each month, compare actuals against projections to identify variances and adjust the budget accordingly.

Analytics reports, on the other hand, can provide data on customer behavior, sales performance, and market trends. You can use tools like Google Analytics for web analytics or CRM software for sales analytics. If your customer churn rate is high, your analytics reports might show that customers are dropping off after they reach a specific point in your product. This insight could drive you to focus on improving that particular aspect of your product experience.

10. Monitor your sales 

Monitor your sales 

Continuous monitoring of sales metrics will give you real-time insights into what is working and what isn’t. If you’re running an online bookstore, tracking metrics like the average order value, customer lifetime value, and best-selling genres can help you make data-backed decisions on stock management and promotional strategies.

A good monitoring process will require the tools we mentioned in the 6 points. Here is a short summary of how to conduct a monitoring process, 

  • Start by identifying clear business objectives for your sales department.
  • Select KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that align directly with these objectives, like, conversion rates, average deal size, sales cycle length, customer acquisition cost.
  • Choose a CRM or sales tracking software that can monitor these KPIs in real-time.
  • Regularly check software for data trends to identify any areas for concern or improvement, for example, a lengthening sales cycle could signal a need for better lead qualification.
  • Research industry standards to benchmark your KPIs against.
  • Look at your own historical data to set internal benchmarks.
  • Compare your KPIs with these benchmarks to contextualize your performance, like, a 5% conversion rate is good if the industry standard is 3%.
  • Keep an eye out for metrics that show a significant variance from benchmarks or historical trends, an example can be a sudden drop in close rates that needs immediate investigation.

11. Adjust your sales strategy

For sales, it’s understandable to feel a need for constancy. However, adapting your sales strategy can be an empowering process. It’s like a conversation with the marketplace; you listen, learn, and respond. So, don’t view the need for adjustment as a sign of failure but rather as an opportunity for growth.

When you notice shifts in your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), see it as valuable insight. If your customer acquisition costs have been creeping up, or if a particular sales channel isn’t performing as it used to, this data is really a form of feedback. It’s your business telling you where to focus your attention. If you notice fewer conversions from a specific sales channel, perhaps your energies would be better invested elsewhere.

3 Crucial Strategies that Use Media for Sales 

Sales can be complicated, but one thing is clear that media plays an essential role in any effective sales strategy, especially for startups. The types of media strategies you choose can directly impact your sales performance. Below, we explore three pivotal strategies that use media to drive sales. We’ll explain how each works and its role in generating revenue for your startup.

i. Paid media marketing

Paid media refers to any advertising you pay for, from Google Ads to sponsored posts on social media. It’s all about buying attention. This can be particularly useful for a startup in driving immediate traffic and sales. 

You can run a pay-per-click (PPC) campaign targeting specific keywords relevant to your product. Your ad appears when someone searches those keywords, leading them directly to what they’re looking for. 

Imagine an online store selling eco-friendly kitchenware; you might run Google Ads for keywords like “sustainable kitchen products” to drive potential customers to your site.

ii. Earned media marketing

Earned media is free advertising gained through public relations efforts rather than paid advertising. This includes mentions in the press, reviews, and social shares. While it doesn’t cost money upfront, it does require strategic effort. Positive thoughts and word-of-mouth can significantly impact your sales. 

A great way to think about this is through influencer partnerships. Let’s say you have a tech startup; sending your WordPress plugin to a well-known WordPress blogger or influencer for a review can generate authentic buzz and direct new customers to your business.

iii. Social media marketing

The line between earned and paid media often blurs in social media marketing. Social media marketing involves using platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to connect with your audience and, in turn, boost sales. 

Also, organic posts can directly engage with your audience and drive earned media, while sponsored posts represent the paid aspect. For instance, if you’re a startup in the fashion industry, a well-executed Instagram strategy might include sponsored posts featuring your latest clothing line and organic posts showing behind-the-scenes glimpses into your design process.

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3 Case Studies of Successful Startups 

Case Studies of Successful Startups 

For a startup, online business is already complex to understand, and having a grasp of sales can be overwhelming. So, let’s get inspired by real-life success stories who used the exact sales blueprint to achieve their desired outcome. 

Case Study 1: Daymond John (The “Shark Tank” Judge) 

Daymond John, best known for his role as a savvy investor on the hit television show “Shark Tank,” exemplifies entrepreneurial grit and strategic business acumen. However, his road to success is complex, and the journey is as impressive as the destination.

In the early 1990s, Daymond John set out to create FUBU—short for “For Us, By Us”—a clothing brand aimed at the hip-hop community. What began as a modest venture, selling hand-sewn hats on the streets of Queens, New York, quickly blossomed into a cultural and commercial phenomenon. 

John astutely recognized a gap in the market for fashionable apparel that resonated with hip-hop culture, a segment primarily overlooked by mainstream clothing brands. FUBU soon expanded its offerings to include jerseys, jeans, and accessories, all emblazoned with the iconic FUBU logo.

One of John’s notable early successes was securing a $100,000 investment from his mother, who mortgaged her house to support her son’s entrepreneurial vision. But the game-changing moment came when John successfully persuaded hip-hop artist LL Cool J, a childhood friend, to wear FUBU merchandise in a promotional campaign. 

This endorsement catapulted the brand into the national spotlight and led to a distribution deal with Samsung Textiles, pushing FUBU’s worth to an estimated $6 billion. Daymond John’s journey to success illustrates the power of ingenuity, market awareness, and strategic networking.

Case Study 2: David Mackenzie Ogilvy (The Advertising Pionier) 

David Mackenzie Ogilvy, often heralded as the “Father of Advertising,” dramatically changed the advertising landscape through his inventive strategies and timeless principles. Ogilvy was born in England in 1911 and began his career not in advertising but in cooking, sales, and even as a researcher. These experiences in diverse sectors laid the foundation for his future advertising empire and enriched his understanding of consumer psychology.

The founding of Ogilvy & Mather in 1948 marked the start of a transformative era in advertising. Ogilvy’s initial breakthrough came with his groundbreaking campaign for the British brand Hathaway, featuring the now-iconic “Man in the Hathaway Shirt.” 

His ability to craft compelling narratives and integrate them seamlessly into advertising content made his campaigns not just advertisements but cultural touchstones. Also, Ogilvy’s seminal work for clients like Rolls-Royce and Shell employed meticulous research and data-driven strategies, a departure from the often superficial advertising of his time.

Case Study 3: Oprah Winfrey (The Genius Host) 

Oprah Winfrey’s name is synonymous with success, but her journey to becoming a media mogul and philanthropist was not straightforward. Born into poverty in rural Mississippi, Oprah faced numerous challenges in her early life, including racial discrimination and sexual abuse. However, these hardships only served to fuel her determination and resilience, equipping her with the grit required to break barriers and shatter ceilings.

Winfrey’s foray into the media world began in radio, quickly followed by a move to television journalism. Her unique approach to reporting, marked by an emotional depth and a distinct ability to connect with people, caught the attention of TV executives. 

This eventually led to her own morning talk show, “The Oprah Winfrey Show,” which debuted in 1986. The show’s unique blend of empathetic interviewing, self-help advice, and social issues discussion set it apart from other talk shows of its era, and it quickly climbed the ranks to become the highest-rated talk show in the United States.


What are the 4 best-selling strategies the entrepreneurs use?

Entrepreneurs often employ a mix of Inbound Marketing, Targeted Promotions, Social Media Engagement, and Personalized Email Campaigns to drive sales. Each strategy aims to capture and convert potential customers efficiently.

Can you increase 100% sales?

Doubling sales is ambitious but feasible with the right approach. It entails optimizing your sales funnel, introducing lucrative promotions, and leveraging customer loyalty to generate repeat sales.

What is the 3-2-1 sales strategy?

The 3-2-1 sales strategy involves making three new connections, sending two follow-ups, and taking one meaningful action daily. It’s a disciplined routine to keep your sales efforts consistently fruitful.

What is value-based selling?

Value-based selling focuses on presenting the unique benefits of your product or service, aligning them with the specific needs and desires of the prospect. It’s not just about price but the overall value proposition.

What are the 7 P's of a successful salesperson?

The 7 P’s for sales success are: Preparation, Prospecting, Presentation, Perseverance, Professionalism, Passion, and Post-sale Relationship. These elements contribute to effective selling and customer relationship management.

The bottom line of Sales Strategy for Startups 

So, we explored setting clear objectives, identifying your target audience, and tapping into various marketing strategies. This information serves as the cornerstone for building your startup’s promising future.

Armed with these insights, your next course of action involves meaningful application. Mere knowledge is insufficient; execution is what matters. Use relevant metrics to fine-tune your approach, and feel free to pivot when necessary. Every startup success story involves its share of strategic shifts, and yours should be open to the same.

Sometimes, thoughts can’t overcome fear, but action does. Someone’s eagerness to start a business and explore every possibility for a sale can be daring, which can cause fear of failure. But, the worst sale strategy will be the one you never took. So, as you advance, never fear significant steps and conquer them with action and perseverance. 

Best of luck! 

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